D.N.A. Matches ITALIAN
Through Ancestry.com both Helen Quilietti Stanton and Denis Madigan Stanton have had many matches with cousins from 3rd to 8th. Here are a few of them.
First of all to some of Helen’s Hits from Castelvecchio Pascoli, Barga and Lucca areas in Tuscany, Then onto the Parma hits [Brattesani]
Caproni 10th Great Grandfaather – Helen.s line
Helen’s tree with more surnames
Another shot of Helen’s tree with Gonnella and Motroni
DNA Hit With Giovanetti, Agostini and Togneri families from Barga and surrounding Villages
DNA Hit Cecchini, Gonella and De Prato are the links here from Barga.
DNA – Another Gonnella and Nardini link here
DNA – Lucca hits this time Laura Morroni. Silvio Poli also from Lucca area. This line to Canada
DNA Again we have Nardini, Caselvecchi and more
DNA – Petite tree but Gonella and Marchetti, Barga again.
DNA Hit again Nardini, Togneri and Corrieri
DNA This tree is from Le Marche –
Dna hit. Only says from Italy
DNA Hit with the Brattesani family with JUNELYNNJACOBS
DNA Fusco Brattesani lines
Brattesani line
DNA with a norwegan twist