The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

BRATTESANI David and the Dora and Ferrari connections

For those of us who live in Scotland the Brattesani surname will always be associated with Fish and Chips.  The best Fish Suppers could always be bought from their shops.  Shops throughout Scotland, Edinburgh, Anstruther, Dundee, Arbroath, Perth and many more.  They are legend.

David Brattesani was one of at least five brothers who originated from Borgo Val da Tora in Parma, Italy.  It was one of his descendants who married into the Dora Clan and who settled in Dundee in Scotland.

David was born in 1842 and married Anna Maria Coffrini in Italy. She was the twin sister of Lucia Maria Coffrini who also married into the Brattesani family [my own direct line].  The Coffrini family are well intertwined with other branches of the Brattesani’s.  

Known Children of David Brattesani and Anna Maria Coffrini.

  • Giuseppe Brattesani 1875-1965 – He married Rosa Gasparini.
  • Giovanni or John Brattesani 1878-1929 He married Giuseppina or Josephine Becci in New York 9 in 1924. They had one daughter Laura who was born in 1925. He died very prematurely in 1929.

  • Julia Brattesani 1885. – see note below
  • Pietro Brattesani 1892-1952. Peter was sent to Scotland when he was only 13 years old to live with a sister in Helensburgh in Scotland. He married Margaret Hill and they had seven children, all born in Edinburgh. He remained in the Fish and Chip Restaurant business for many years, eventually letting his sons take over. He also remained in close contact with the Quilietti family.
This is the photograph of Peter or Pietro Brattesani celebrating their 60 years of marriage in Edinburgh. There were many of the Quilietti cousins at this wedding, Theresa and Aunty Tina.


Rosa Brattesani 1895-1966

from grandson Peter

David’s son Sante Brattesani 1892-1970 married Rosa Giacopazzi. Not sure how many children they had, but it was their daughter Matilda Rose who married into the Dora clan in Scotland when she married Pietro Giulio Dora in 1952 in Arbroath. You can see that from the marriage certificate below that there was a Celeste Dora and an Angela Dora. Perhaps two siblings. Matilda Rose died in 2017 in Dundee age 94.


The Dora family from Borgo Val da Tora

1952 marriage of the two families from Borgotora.

The Brattesani and Dora family originate from the same villages in Italy. Rovingalia and Borgotora. Not really unusual then for them to be related in some way or another. The families are intertwined throughout the centuries. Many other related families as well, Cardinalli, Giulianotti, Cura and Ferrari being the the most socially active families.

The Dora line is documented to go back to c 1750 with Gian Dora and Maria Ferrari. The lines continue down the centuries scattering after the Unification of Italy not only to the towns and cities of Scotland but to the USA mostly New York where they remained.

One branch settled in Arizona the line from Guilio 1871-1942. Giulio’s parents were Marianna Brattesani and Gian Maria Dora.

from Giulio Dora who still works in the Fish and Chip Shop Industry today.
Dora’s fish and chips, Dundee

From James Dora

In the Italian Scot Men’s group Photo. starting from the bottom row up. The second row and first one from the right with a hand on his shoulder is my Great Grandfather Guiseppie Dora’ born in 1860 in Rovinaglia . The son of Gian Maria Dora’ born 1838 and Maria Brattesani born 1840 also from Rovinaglia. The Dora’s date back to 1674 in Rovinaglia and I believe the Cura’ family as well.The Family may have gone back and forth to Nice, France. The family returned to Rovinaglia around 1750 and married into the Ferrari, Cardinalli, Delnevo, Orsi and Brattesani families in that order. Guiseppie Dora’ was also in the Fish N Chip’s business and when he retired his oldest son Peter Dora’ took over and Peter then changed his name to Doran while in Dundee. Guiseppie Dora’ then moved to Porcigatone and is buried in Brunelli

Just wanted to say hi to everyone . My Great Grandfather Giuseppe Dora’ was the son of Giovanni Dora’ and Maria Brattesani and husband of Lucia DelGrosso from Rovinaglia. Giuseppe worked in the Fish and Chips Restaurant business n Dundee and later his oldest son Peter Dora’ who changed his name to Doran took over. Peter I believe worked or lived at 2 Middle Street, Dundee. Later on he moved to New York and lived near my Grandparents Giovanni Dora’ and Maria Pelizza. Just a follow-up. Peter Dora’ later changed to Doran married Marcella And had two girls Marcella and Lucy. Last but not least Guiseppie Dora’ married Lucia DelGrosso born 1852.


The Dora family were also connected to the Cura Family as well. Giovanni Cura had married Luigia Dora circa c 1870 in Italy.   So far as I have researched to date their family were short lived and they must have endured such pain with the passing of their children.

  • They had a daughter Angela born in 1891.  Angela married into the Delfillipe faily and they settled in Perth.  Both parents were still alive in 1926 and active in the fish and chip industry when Angela died prematurely in 1926 with child birth complications
  • They also had a son called Angelo who was born in 1898.  Angelo also died very prematurely of complications due to alcoholic poisoning.  Brother Emilio Cura was present on his deathbed.
  • Son Paolo died when he was only 15 years of a chest infection.

 Further research is needed on these sides of the family.  If anyone out there wishes to contribute then please be in touch with helen

The document above is the 1950 Federal Census USA showing Luigi Ferrara with his wife Teresa Dora. Her parents were Serafino Dora and Isolina Brattesani. The family have left comments below

Isolina’s grave in Buzzo

Isolina Brattesani
Birth Date20 Apr 1882
Death Date15 Jul 1960
CemeteryCimitero di Buzzo’
Burial or Cremation PlaceBuzzò, Provincia di Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Giovanni For had married Maria Pelizza, who was of Italian Descent but who was born in New York in 1894. She died in 1976 in Queens, New York

Giovanni Dora 1890-1976 Astoria, New York, USA at his son’s marriage to Hilda Catherine Graham.

His son was Giuseppe Giulio Dominic Dora 1919-2007.

They had two sons and two daughters.

Daughter Catherine Dora 1957-2007. is the only one I know of.

More connections

Hi All, dont know if anyone can help my trace my family tree. My mum Carolina (Lina) Ferrari from Rovinaglia b 1933 d 2015, her dad Lorenzo Ferrari and her mum Angelina Dora born London 1907. Mum was born in Rovinaglia but spent some time in Scotland as a teenager. Thats about all I know. I think my Nonna Angela was the youngest of 4. Im keen to find our more about the Dora family especially as I see the French connection and my DNA has just come back with 75% Northern Italian, 5% mix & 20% French!! Look forward to hearing from you Aurora

9 Responses to “BRATTESANI David and the Dora and Ferrari connections”

  1. Monica Morley says:


    Joe Dora of 1 Applegate Arbroath, and my grandmother was Valentina nee Giacopazzi. They arrived in late 1920’s and set up a fish and chip shop, and uncle Chae, his brother did the same in Fisheracre. My grandmother’s dad,Luigi, died in Arbroath April 1932 aged 73. His wife was Angela Bratesani I know no more details.
    It would be good to find out more.

  2. Helen says:

    Hello and thank you for your comment. Angela Brattesani would most certainly be one of the Clan as all are related and we know already of the Dora connections. I will endeavour to find our more about this branch on my next visit to the archives. If you have any photos, even of your own line, I would love to include you all. Thanks and please feel free to email me on

  3. James Dora' says:

    Just a follow-up. Peter Dora’ later changed to Doran married Marcella And had two girls Marcella and Lucy.

  4. James Dora' says:

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone . My Great Grandfather Giuseppe Dora’ was the son of Giovanni Dora’ and Maria Brattesani and husband of Lucia DelGrosso from Rovinaglia. Giuseppe worked in the Fish and Chips Restaurant business n Dundee and later his oldest son Peter Dora’ who changed his name to Doran took over. Peter I believe worked or lived at 2 Middle Street, Dundee. Later on he moved to New York and lived near my Grandparents Giovanni Dora’ and Maria Pelizza.

  5. Helen says:

    Thank you for posting this very interesting piece of family information. I would love to some Dora connections from you James, what I mean is from one of the family. You could e.mail me directly if you are interested

  6. James Dora says:

    Just wanted to let you know in the Dora line tree I believe that Biagio Serafino Dora born 1864 is a brother of my Great Grandpa Giuseppe Dora  born 1860. The sons of Gian Maria Dora born 1838 and Marianna Brattesani born 1840 all From Rovinaglia. I remember family said that Gian Maria worked on building the road from Parma to Borgotaro. Other siblings are Theresa b. 1858, Maria b. 1859, Angelo b.1861, Alliosyio b. 1865 died in an Avalanche , Julio’s b.1871 moved to Globe, Arizona and Paulo b.1874. The Dora’s date back to Abt. 1674 in Rovinaglia a long with Cura  family with the christenings of Domenico and Domenica. Other generations are Giuseppe b.1818 married Maria Orsi b.1820, Gian b.1798 married Maria Delnevo b.1800, Giuseppe b.1777married Rosa Cardinalli b.1779, Gian b.1756 married Maria Ferrari b.1758.

  7. Helen says:

    Great to hear from you James. Please excuse the lateness of my reply. I will endeavour to get your information onto a dedicated page with your permission of course. Do you have any photos even of yourself to enhance the information. We will be third or fourth cousins I recon. Please feel free to email at

  8. Joseph Ferrari says:

    It is fascinating to come upon this site, and learn about Brattesani /Dora connections.

    My grandmother, Tressie ( Theresa) Dora was born in Forfar Scotland 1907 to Isalena Brattesani and Serfino di Guiseppe Dora. Serfino Dora was born in Borgo Val di Taro in 1883, and died in the same town in 1917 of wounds carried in combat when he was a soldier in the Italian army. Isalena Brattesani and Serafino Dora moved back to Borgo Val di Taro in 1916 shortly before Serafino joined the army.

    Theresa (Tressie) Dora married my grandfather, Luigi Ferrari in 1929 in Borgo Val di Taro.

    I am so far unsure if they are related directly to anyone on referenced on. this site.

  9. Helen says:

    The common denominator would be back to David Brattesani b 1842 in Borgotora. His son Sante then married another Brattesani. Their daughter married into the Dora Clan and that is the connection. Thanks Joseph for getting in touch. It is so interesting

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