Photos with Benedetto Arpino and his Gargaro familyBenedetta Cascarina with her daughter Michaelangela Arpino Fusco. Also her granddaughter Maria Madalena Fusco who married Marco GargaroMichaelangela Arpino Fusco with her daughter Madalena Fusco Gargaro and her son Tony GargaroChildren – if any of the Gargaro descendants would like add to this page please leave a message. Joseph Gargaro worked as a News Vendor and had a news stand on the corner of George Street and Frederick Street in Edinburgh where he worked for over 40 years. An excellent pitch.
The surname – Southern Italian: from the Greek stem gargar-, denoting either ˜babbling or stream of water, or gargling. Only the latter sense is attested as a vocabulary word in Southern Italian Greek. Even today this is an unusual and unique surname and their are few family members. Even in USA the name is rare
Maria Madelina Arpino ( born 1879) married Marco Gargaro (born 1881) in Edinburghin 1900 in St. Patrick’s R.C. Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh.
Today my cousin sent me a photo of my grandfather going on a ‘jolly boys outing’ coach trip with some other gentlemen from his local drinking establishment.
The newspaper clipping naming Joseph Gargaro. It is telling us that Joe was a newsvendor and his pitch was at the corner of Frederick Street and George Street in Edinburgh’s New Town. He worked here for 42 years. The paper also describes him as an accordonist – like many of his Fusco and Arpino cousins.
In the photo there is a Joseph Gargaro (accordionist), my attention was drawn to him because there was a Carmen Gargaro that used to live in the same building as my grandparents. Long story short, I started googling and I found your site, I found the Gargaro line of Marco and Maria stating that Joseph was born at 21 Guthrie Street – same address as my grandparents, my father and his siblings were all born there and my grandmother was born in number
So after a little more digging I think I can confirm that the Carmen I knew in my childhood;Carmina Gargaro, born 17 February 1909, 90 Grassmarket, Edinburgh. I can also tell you that Michael (born 1904) only lived for 2 days.
From the 1911 census I have found Phyllis, 28 January 1907, 9 Cowgate, Edinburgh. I also noticed that when the census was taken, their neighbours were Fuscos
A strange thing about the census entry is that there is no Marco listed, Maria is head of the household at that time and Marco was away from the family. It also shows Antonio as a son aged 9, but when I go into his birth records it shows he is the son of Guiseppe and Mary, there is also a Pasquale listed as a son and Louisa listed as a daughter but can find no birth record for them
I have attached the photo that has started my evenings entertainment and hope you find the info useful.
We find another interesting connection between the Gargaro and the Quilietti family. It was in Italy on 6 September 1892 in Villa Cataina that we have a marriage between Addorata DiMarco and Pietro Gargara. These two also came to Scotland and their family are as as follows . The Demarcos and the Fuscos through the Brattisani line are also our relations
Maria Christina Gargara born 19 June `1898 at 477 Lawnmarket, Edinburgh
Angelina Gargara born 23 August 1900 at 6 West Richmond Street, Edinburgh
Back in Italy in 1880 Domenico Gargaro, son of Domenico Gargaro and Nanziatta Polomba with godmother
Baptism of Domenico Gargara 1880
Domenico Gargara
The Gargaro family also settled in parts of England and we find them in Clerkenwell, London, the now infamous Italian community in the year 1891. We also find a 16 year old Charles Gargara onboard the vessell the Seaflower docked in Portland Harbour in Dorset in England on the day of the 1901 cencus. He was born in Woolwich in Kent in 1885.
Some of the family also settled in Wales. This branch settled in Cardiff
1901 census
This branch of the family were from Benedetto Gargaro who was born in 1857. He died in the year 1948 in Cardiff. Benedetto’s wife was Mary Anne Barry and they had several children who settled mainly in Cardiff.
The Welsh Gargaro
Gargaro Coat of Arms from their family website
Miles has a wonderful website , click on the link below, but here are some of his photographs
I am a descendant of the Gargaro family which you mention at the bottom of your article. My great grandfather is Dominic Gargaro who was born in Clerkenwell in 1880. The Charles Gargaro which you mention was his brother who served in the Navy based in Dorset. Dominic was also in the Navy and was based in Chatham. Their father was Luigi (also Louis and Lewis) Gargaro who was born in Italy around 1850. Luigi was the son of Michel ‘Mike’ Gargaro who was a basket maker. When Luigi came over to London he probably lived in Clerkenwell for a while before settling to Woolwich to have a family. Today there are quite a few Gargaro’s scattered around south east London in the boroughs of Greenwich, Bromley and Bexley.
A few months ago I started a similar website to yours, where I plan to write a lot more about the Gargaro family in London. I have a photo of Dominic Gargaro which I will also get around to posting.
Hi there Miles. The Gargaro family touch ours through the Arpino//Quilietti line. I have some Gargaro archive information regarding the family here in Edinburgh. In Edinburgh the family settled mostly in the Cowgate area of the city which was full of the Italian immigrants, including my own family, at that time/ After xmas I will have more time to have a wee look at what I have and let you know. Good luck with the website. It is the best thing to do to get family interested in their heritage and you can also find out a bit about branches of your family that are unknown. Have a lovely xmas and thanks for looking at my website. It is great to know that there are people out there who actually look at things. I have so much to input and not so much time as I also work full time. Helen
What a great site you have here, I was just doing some browsing when I happened upon it. I am one of Maria Christina Gargaro’s many grandchildren. Her parents fled back to Italy when she just a babe due to an incident with my great grandfather and the authorities, so I’m told. Our family is spread worldwide from New York, Canada, Italy and Scotland. Nonna Christina born 1898, Edinburgh, died 2001 aged 103 in her home village of Picinisco, Province of Frosinone, Lazio region.
I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in October 1946. I currently reside in California.
My father, also named Michael, was born in Edinburgh in 1921, the youngest son of Domenico and Mary Gargaro My Granny’s maiden name was Munro.
My Granda, Domenico, was born in Villa L’Atina in Italy, probably some time around 1880. I believe he immigrated to Edinburgh when he was a young boy. His father, my great grandfather, owned one or more ice cream shops in Edinburgh. His wife was a Coppola.
Vitrually all of my Gargaro relatives are gone now, save for one aunt who lives in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Chrstina is now about 90 years old, and she is the last of her generation. My father died suddenly in 1960.
I would be intersetd in knowing more about the Gargaro side of our family. I intend to read more of what you have written and I just wanted to thank you for doing this. Who knows, maybe we are distant cousins !
As you can see the Gargaro family and ours are connected via the Arpino and Fuscos. I would be happy to include some details about your own line if you approve. Please e.mail me on Thanks for your comments it is very interesting, as is all our family histories
hi i am the granddaughter of marco valendino gargaro who was born in derby on 18 july 1904 his father was alexander valendino gargaro and his mother was anne gargaro nee hunt. I believe from the 1881 derby census that my grandfathers grandfather was francesco gargaro who was living in lodgings at 3 chapel street derby with other italians including his wife maria v (does that stand for valendino as all of my grandads siblings had that name as a middle name) their occupation was musicians.
hi great website my name is James Gargaro born10-02-1952 my father was Antonio Gargaro born in Edinburgh Scotland his father was Benjamin Gargaro who came to Scotland from Italy when he was 7 years old. I would like to know more about the history of the Gargaro family.
Am interested in hearing more about the GARGARO family – related to Michael (cousin) his Dad was also Michael Gargaro – son of Dom and Mary Gargaro (Munro) of Edinburgh, Scotland. Believe great grandfather was Antonio (court interpreter)
Trying to trace my great grand parent. They left Italy 1900. Move to Scotland Edinburgh they arrived married there names Benjamin gargaro and angelina. They were born Italy 18.46.47
Just doing some work last night came across some information. My great great grand father was domenico gargaro from villa latina s.s annunziata Italy, he had one son Antonio gargaro his wife was angelurosa. (1870,74) they had one son Benjamin gargaro, he married Johanna wickstead, they had one son my grand father Stephen gargaro die Scotland 27 December 1980
First of all apologies for not replying sooner. Been away on holiday and have not had access to computer. Thanks for leaving your comments on the site. It looks like the Gargaro family were from the same region as the Arpinos and may have had family connections already back in Italy. I wonder if your branch of the family are from the Edinburgh area, and if they are they might we well be connected through these branches. I look forward to hearing back from you and would be honoured to start your own family page on the website and lets see what happens from there. You can find me on if you want to send private information. Really happy that you got in touch. Helen
Hi. I am trying to trace my Gargaro ancestry. I have my grandmother Florence Valentina Gargaro (1894-1940) (not sure where). Married John Solway (1881-1946) in Derby, England in 1915, Listed as living with them is a Francis Gargaro whom I assume is her father. He? is listed as being a shopkeeper in 1925. Florence had two children, my father Arthur Francis Michael Solway and John Patrick Solway. I am struggling to further back than that. If anyone can fill in the missing pieces that would be great.
Olá sou Naiara, filha de Irene Vicente Gargaro (nome de solteira de minha mãe), que era filha de Luisa Gargaro, filha de Antonio Gargaro, filho de Pasquale Gargaro.
Pasquale Gargaro veio para o Brazil em 1902 com sua esposa e filhos (Concetta, Maria, Saverio, Antonio, Nicolino e Domenico Gargaro). Eram de Molise, Campobasso Itália.
Seria ótimo saber mais sobre algum descendente pelo mundo e saber mais sobre os meus familiares.
I found this article by chance. My grandmother is the Mary Gargaro born 31st Aug 1902. Her parents were Mary Madeline Arpino and Giuseppe Marco Gargaro. She was one of 12 children. The others were Michael(who passed very young)Pasquale(known as Paddy), AntonIo(Tony), Carmen, Giuseppe(Joe)Yolanda(Dolly), Louisa(Tita), Phyllis, Michael(Same name as the son that died young) , Rose, Natalie(Nat). I think there was only one Arpino/Gargaro marriage in 1900, the confusion I think happened as Marco was also known as Giuseppe. I remember Joe playing accordion at Hogmanay parties when I was very young. I’ve attempted our family tree before however it’s very confusing with the Marco:Giuseppe mix up and I believe some were recorded as Gargara or Gargano due to English not being their first language when Censys was carried out.
Very glad I came across your info. Thank you!
I know how confusing the names can be, especially when all the branches have the same names. It is so very easy to get generations in the wrong places. Thanks for leaving your comment
I am the daughter of Louisa Gargaro who is the daughter of Marco and Maria Gargaro..My Uncle Joe is the accordian Player in the picture. I still have some cousins living in Edinburgh
Hello Margaret and thanks for dropping us a line. Great to hear from you. If there are any pictures of stories that you would like to share, please drop me a line at thanks
I have just come across these wonderful details.
Am descended on my mothers side from BENEDETTO GARGARO who married MARY ANN BARRY in CARDIFF WALES.
One of their daughters ROSINA GARGARO was my gt. grandmother who came out to Australia in the 1900.s
I posted in March 2020 re:Edinburgh branch of Gargaro family. I am heading to Picinisco with my kids in a couple of weeks time as my 60th birthday treat, None of my direct family have visited Picinisco or Atina where I believe the Gargaro/Arpino family came from, if anyone has any info that would help me trace ancestors while I’m there it would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance
I am the grand-daughter of Benedetto Gagaro. My mother is Ellen Mafeking Gagaro who came out to Australia from Cardiff with her husband Richard Hartley around 1921 and settled in Brisbane. They brought with them the first of their 7 children, Rosina, who died of diphtheria in Brisbane not long after they arrived when she was about 3. Ellen passed away in Brisbane in 1988. Ellen and Rosina being sisters, Trisha Tack would be my distant cousin.
Thank you Helena and apologies for late reply. Great story and would love to add you to the site. You can e.mail me if interested in this.
Hi there!
I am a descendant of the Gargaro family which you mention at the bottom of your article. My great grandfather is Dominic Gargaro who was born in Clerkenwell in 1880. The Charles Gargaro which you mention was his brother who served in the Navy based in Dorset. Dominic was also in the Navy and was based in Chatham. Their father was Luigi (also Louis and Lewis) Gargaro who was born in Italy around 1850. Luigi was the son of Michel ‘Mike’ Gargaro who was a basket maker. When Luigi came over to London he probably lived in Clerkenwell for a while before settling to Woolwich to have a family. Today there are quite a few Gargaro’s scattered around south east London in the boroughs of Greenwich, Bromley and Bexley.
A few months ago I started a similar website to yours, where I plan to write a lot more about the Gargaro family in London. I have a photo of Dominic Gargaro which I will also get around to posting.
Best wishes
Miles R. Brown
Hi there Miles. The Gargaro family touch ours through the Arpino//Quilietti line. I have some Gargaro archive information regarding the family here in Edinburgh. In Edinburgh the family settled mostly in the Cowgate area of the city which was full of the Italian immigrants, including my own family, at that time/ After xmas I will have more time to have a wee look at what I have and let you know. Good luck with the website. It is the best thing to do to get family interested in their heritage and you can also find out a bit about branches of your family that are unknown. Have a lovely xmas and thanks for looking at my website. It is great to know that there are people out there who actually look at things. I have so much to input and not so much time as I also work full time. Helen
[…] in Edinburgh which I do not know very much about yet, although more information can be found on this website similar to […]
Hi Miles
What a great site you have here, I was just doing some browsing when I happened upon it. I am one of Maria Christina Gargaro’s many grandchildren. Her parents fled back to Italy when she just a babe due to an incident with my great grandfather and the authorities, so I’m told. Our family is spread worldwide from New York, Canada, Italy and Scotland. Nonna Christina born 1898, Edinburgh, died 2001 aged 103 in her home village of Picinisco, Province of Frosinone, Lazio region.
Thanks for the positive comments. Looks like you have a bit of history there……………Helen
Dear Arpino / Quilietti Family,
I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in October 1946. I currently reside in California.
My father, also named Michael, was born in Edinburgh in 1921, the youngest son of Domenico and Mary Gargaro My Granny’s maiden name was Munro.
My Granda, Domenico, was born in Villa L’Atina in Italy, probably some time around 1880. I believe he immigrated to Edinburgh when he was a young boy. His father, my great grandfather, owned one or more ice cream shops in Edinburgh. His wife was a Coppola.
Vitrually all of my Gargaro relatives are gone now, save for one aunt who lives in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Chrstina is now about 90 years old, and she is the last of her generation. My father died suddenly in 1960.
I would be intersetd in knowing more about the Gargaro side of our family. I intend to read more of what you have written and I just wanted to thank you for doing this. Who knows, maybe we are distant cousins !
Best regards,
Michael George Gargaro
As you can see the Gargaro family and ours are connected via the Arpino and Fuscos. I would be happy to include some details about your own line if you approve. Please e.mail me on Thanks for your comments it is very interesting, as is all our family histories
hi i am the granddaughter of marco valendino gargaro who was born in derby on 18 july 1904 his father was alexander valendino gargaro and his mother was anne gargaro nee hunt. I believe from the 1881 derby census that my grandfathers grandfather was francesco gargaro who was living in lodgings at 3 chapel street derby with other italians including his wife maria v (does that stand for valendino as all of my grandads siblings had that name as a middle name) their occupation was musicians.
Does anyone know anything about this.
hi great website my name is James Gargaro born10-02-1952 my father was Antonio Gargaro born in Edinburgh Scotland his father was Benjamin Gargaro who came to Scotland from Italy when he was 7 years old. I would like to know more about the history of the Gargaro family.
Am interested in hearing more about the GARGARO family – related to Michael (cousin) his Dad was also Michael Gargaro – son of Dom and Mary Gargaro (Munro) of Edinburgh, Scotland. Believe great grandfather was Antonio (court interpreter)
March 21, 2017
Trying to trace my great grand parent. They left Italy 1900. Move to Scotland Edinburgh they arrived married there names Benjamin gargaro and angelina. They were born Italy 18.46.47
Look to find were they were born in italy
Just doing some work last night came across some information. My great great grand father was domenico gargaro from villa latina s.s annunziata Italy, he had one son Antonio gargaro his wife was angelurosa. (1870,74) they had one son Benjamin gargaro, he married Johanna wickstead, they had one son my grand father Stephen gargaro die Scotland 27 December 1980
First of all apologies for not replying sooner. Been away on holiday and have not had access to computer. Thanks for leaving your comments on the site. It looks like the Gargaro family were from the same region as the Arpinos and may have had family connections already back in Italy. I wonder if your branch of the family are from the Edinburgh area, and if they are they might we well be connected through these branches. I look forward to hearing back from you and would be honoured to start your own family page on the website and lets see what happens from there. You can find me on if you want to send private information. Really happy that you got in touch. Helen
Hi. I am trying to trace my Gargaro ancestry. I have my grandmother Florence Valentina Gargaro (1894-1940) (not sure where). Married John Solway (1881-1946) in Derby, England in 1915, Listed as living with them is a Francis Gargaro whom I assume is her father. He? is listed as being a shopkeeper in 1925. Florence had two children, my father Arthur Francis Michael Solway and John Patrick Solway. I am struggling to further back than that. If anyone can fill in the missing pieces that would be great.
Olá sou Naiara, filha de Irene Vicente Gargaro (nome de solteira de minha mãe), que era filha de Luisa Gargaro, filha de Antonio Gargaro, filho de Pasquale Gargaro.
Pasquale Gargaro veio para o Brazil em 1902 com sua esposa e filhos (Concetta, Maria, Saverio, Antonio, Nicolino e Domenico Gargaro). Eram de Molise, Campobasso Itália.
Seria ótimo saber mais sobre algum descendente pelo mundo e saber mais sobre os meus familiares.
I found this article by chance. My grandmother is the Mary Gargaro born 31st Aug 1902. Her parents were Mary Madeline Arpino and Giuseppe Marco Gargaro. She was one of 12 children. The others were Michael(who passed very young)Pasquale(known as Paddy), AntonIo(Tony), Carmen, Giuseppe(Joe)Yolanda(Dolly), Louisa(Tita), Phyllis, Michael(Same name as the son that died young) , Rose, Natalie(Nat). I think there was only one Arpino/Gargaro marriage in 1900, the confusion I think happened as Marco was also known as Giuseppe. I remember Joe playing accordion at Hogmanay parties when I was very young. I’ve attempted our family tree before however it’s very confusing with the Marco:Giuseppe mix up and I believe some were recorded as Gargara or Gargano due to English not being their first language when Censys was carried out.
Very glad I came across your info. Thank you!
I know how confusing the names can be, especially when all the branches have the same names. It is so very easy to get generations in the wrong places. Thanks for leaving your comment
I am the daughter of Louisa Gargaro who is the daughter of Marco and Maria Gargaro..My Uncle Joe is the accordian Player in the picture. I still have some cousins living in Edinburgh
Hello Margaret and thanks for dropping us a line. Great to hear from you. If there are any pictures of stories that you would like to share, please drop me a line at thanks
I have your branch there right enough. I will give you an email
I have just come across these wonderful details.
Am descended on my mothers side from BENEDETTO GARGARO who married MARY ANN BARRY in CARDIFF WALES.
One of their daughters ROSINA GARGARO was my gt. grandmother who came out to Australia in the 1900.s
Interested as to whether you have any knowledge of Benedetto GARGARO’s parents.
I have just had a look through and still as yet have no further information Trisha. But I will keep alert to this now
I posted in March 2020 re:Edinburgh branch of Gargaro family. I am heading to Picinisco with my kids in a couple of weeks time as my 60th birthday treat, None of my direct family have visited Picinisco or Atina where I believe the Gargaro/Arpino family came from, if anyone has any info that would help me trace ancestors while I’m there it would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance
I am the grand-daughter of Benedetto Gagaro. My mother is Ellen Mafeking Gagaro who came out to Australia from Cardiff with her husband Richard Hartley around 1921 and settled in Brisbane. They brought with them the first of their 7 children, Rosina, who died of diphtheria in Brisbane not long after they arrived when she was about 3. Ellen passed away in Brisbane in 1988. Ellen and Rosina being sisters, Trisha Tack would be my distant cousin.
Thank you Helena and apologies for late reply. Great story and would love to add you to the site. You can e.mail me if interested in this.