The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

STANTON Peter 1908-1973 – DAD

95 COWGATE was here just before you go through the bridge

Peter Stanton was born on 29th October 1908 in the tenement building at No. 91 Cowgate in Edinburgh.    The Cowgate had been his family’s ‘home-patch since arriving from Ireland in 1851. He was one of the 12 children of Edward Stanton and Catherine Madigan.

Peter STANTON son of Edward Stanton and Catherine MADIGAN.  This photograph taken in their family home before the split up. It was Christmas time or New Year probably. Peter was quite an entertainer and liked to sing. This pastime passed down to his sons and grandsons. He loved Bing Crosby and used the tune and wrote these lyrics below.
A wee song for his brother Eddie Stanton.
His brother Eddie also called one of his sons Denis Madigan Stanton
1936 marriage. Mary was residing at No. 1 St. John’s Street, The Canongate at the time of the marriage

Son Michael or Mick 1937-2006

Jimmy and Michael Stanton


Mary Sutherland and her five boys
Jimmy 2007 – local hero
Jimmy and Anne Stanton with daughter Lynn and grandson Mark. Also in the photo is Lynn’s husband Jack.   The event was Mark’s wedding

Son Peter 1941-2017

In happier times, always a party at New Year in one of the Stanton households
Denis Menace
Peter Stanton’s grandchildren Peter and Derek Stanton.   Young Peter’s wife Gail is at the left.  Derek’s beautiful daughter LYNDSEY is second left

Son Davie 1947-1997

Mark, Sandra and Donna with Mark’s two boys

Son Denis Madigan Stanton 1950

a young Denis 1955
Denis with son Jamie

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