The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

Brattisani/Brattesani Rosa and Giulio Giulianotti

ROSA BRATTISANI 1871-1929 the daughter of Giuseppe Brattisani and Lucia Coffrini.

Rose on her wedding day 1892

Rose Brattisani  married

The Marriage of Rose Brattisani and Giulio Giulianottii on 18th October 1892 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Broughton Street, Edinburgh.

Rosa’s death

Rosa’s death was a great shock to her beloved husband

St. Mary’s Cathedral

Thank you Angela Giulianotti, grandaughter of Rosa and Giulio for helping Helen build this webpage.  It is meant only as a tribute to their lives  and as a gesture of love from her.  Angela has also forwarded some brilliant family photos which will be included as soon as we find out who is who.  You can see them on the Giulianotti unknown pages

Angela Giulianotti


Rosa was the second child of  Giuseppe Brattisani and Lucia Coffrini.  Giuseppe and Lucia were from the Region of Borgo Val  di Taro in Emilia Romanga in  Northern Italy.  They married in Parma on 1st April 1864.

Rosa was born in Paris in 1871.  She had SIX   sisters and two brothers, both of who died in infancy.

  • Valentina was born in 1870
  • Lucy was born in 1872
  • Mary was born in 1878
  • Minni was born in 1885
  • Louise and Julia in 1889
  • Louie was born in 1898 but died in 1903.
  • Domonique was born in 1884 and died in 1897

Rosa’s father Joe was a successful businessman and moved his family between cities.  They settled in Edinburgh circa 1885 but as the births of their children tell us they moved between Paris, Edinburgh and Parma for many years.

At the time Valentina and Rosa were  born in beautiful Paris in France there was great battles in the City born out of France being beaten in the French/Prussian War. The French Revolution was soon to follow.  The war driven streets of Paris must surely have contributed in the family moving from there to beautiful Edinburgh.

As Roman Catholics the family would have been frequent visitors to St. Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh which was a hub for the Italian community.  It was here at this Cathedral that Rosa and Giulio would have been introduced.  This meeting would certainly flourish into romance and they married there in 1892.

Giulio was described as a Restaurant Keeper, as was Joseph Brattisani his new father-in-law.   Witnesses were John Fusco and Mary Brattisani, Rosa’s sister,  who were to marry soon thereafter

Even after Rosa and Giulio moved North to Aberdeen Giulio remained close with his brother-in-law and it was he who was at Emilio’s side when he died in 1898.

Rose and Giulio settled with their young family  in Church Street, Aberdeen where they continued to expand the Brattisani business ventures in fish-and-chips, confectionery and ice-cream.

Rosa and Giulio frequently returned to their homeland and to their village of Borga Val di Toro from where their respective families both originated.

Rosa and Giulio enjoyed a prosperous and  affluent lifestyle and their frequent visits back home would endorse this fact.  Rosa had ‘servants’ who helped her look after her children.

They had eleven children, but lost many of them as infants, and three from bronchitis.

  • GIUSEPPE [Joe] was born on 29th November 1894.  He married Susan Anderson Lamb on 5th April 1918 at St. Margaret’s in Loanhead,  At this time Joe was in the army and served as a Private No. 30560 in the 3rd Batallion of the Royal Scots.  He was serving in  Mulligan in Ireland at the time of their wedding.  Susan  who was born in 1899 lived in Roslin.  Her father was a coalminer.  Joe died on 30th September 1968 in Woodend Hospital in Aberdeen.  He was 74 years old and the longest living of Rosa’s children.  They had two sons, Albert and Freddie.  Bert still lives in Bedford in England. With thanks to Bob Munro for helping sort out this information – see comment below

Giulio’s father was Joseph [Giuseppe] Giulianotti.   His mother was Rose Zanrae.  Giulio was born in the year 1864 in Borgo Val da Taro in Emilia Romania in Italy.     In 1892 at the time of their marriage at St. Mary’s R.C. Church in Edinburgh

Rosa’s eldest son Giuseppe or Joe
  • ADUARDO EMILIO GIULIANOTTI  born 17th January 1899 at 5 Broad Street, Aberdeen
  • GIULIETTA EMILIA was born on 26th January 1897 at 1 Longaere in Aberdeen.  She married into the Alizapiedi family but tragically died in dundee on 3rd May 1920 age only 23 years.  She died of Pheumonia due to the Flu
  • GIUSEPENA GIULIANOTTI was born in 1900.  She died of bronchitis in 1903
  • VITORIO GIOVACCHINO BARTOLOLEMO  GIULIANOTTI was born on 9th August 1901 at 2 Castle Terrace, Aberdeen.  Victor as he became known never married.  He died on 19th October 1948 in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary of a celebrial Haemorrhage.
  • Enrico and his wee brother Anthony in London

    was born on 7th October 1903 at 2 Castle Street, Aberdeen.  Enrico ran a fish and chip shop in Aberdeen.   On 29th November he married Isabella Finnie Milne who worked in the Flax Mill in the city.   They married in St. Peter’s R.C. Church in Aberdeen.    They  had a son Raymond Joseph Giulianotti.   Raymond’s son David has been in touch with us [see comment below]   Enrico or Rico as he was affectionately known moved down to London with his family.  He worked in the Savoy Hotel where he played the Saxaphone and the Piano.

  • VALENTINA LUCIA GIULIANOTTI was born in 1905 and named after Valentina Brattisani Quilietti and Valentina’s mother Lucia Coffrini who had both died earlier in this same year.  The baby Valentina died aged only 3 months.
  • ALFONSO FREDERICO GIULIANOTTI was born on 15th March 1907 at 5 Justice Street in Aberdeen.  He died in 1910.
  • GIULIO FRANCESCO GIULIANOTTI was born on  14th June 1908 at 5 Justice Street, Aberdeen
  • Anthony

    is the father of  Angela who is helping me with this webpage.  Antonio was born on 12th November 1915.  After the death of his parents Antonio joined the army.  He left Scotland and headed for London where he married and brought up his family. They lived in the Colinsdale area of London.     He died when he was 54 years  old London, England.

    Giulio Giulianotti and Rosa Brattisani worked hard and in the 1901 Scottish Census the family are listed as living at their address of 58 Bread Street.   Giulio was the head of the family and was a Confectioner by now.   It seems from the census form that everyone in that address of 58 Broad Street were his employees and listed as Confectioners’ salespersons, and also as servants.   There were fourteen employees listed all from Italy with surnames Signorini, Orezzi, Barbareri, Casiseli, Busuni, Barbieri, Barzoni, Castelote, Ostacchine and Ferari.  They are all from Italy . The building itself is listed as having seven windows.

    The 1911 Cencus shows us that the family have now moved to 5 Justice Street in North Aberdeen.   This census tells us that they had been married for 18 years and that they have had 10 children of whom only 5 survive.

    • JULIO GIULIANOTTI, Head age 45, Confectioner, own business
    • ROSA GIULIANOTTI, wife, age  37,
    • JOSEPH GIULIANOTTI, son, age 16,Assistant Shopkeeper Confectioner,
    • EDWARD GIULIANOTTI, son, age 12, school
    • VICTOR GIULIANOTTI, son, age 9, school
    • ENRICO GIULIANOTTI, son age 7, school
    • ROSA CACCIOLA, servant, age 58,
    • ANNIE CORRIERA, boarder, age 55, Carpet upholsterer
    • DOMENICO GIULIANOTTI, boarder, age 38, restaurant owner
    • BENEDETTO SANTO, boarder, age 78
    Rosa Brattisani Giulianotti in later life.

    The children of Rose and Giulio remained close and mourned the deaths of their mother Rosa in 1929.  Giulio distraught with the death of his beloved Rosa died soon thereafter

    Giulio Giulianotti shortly before his death

    of a broken heart.

    The brothers Joe, Vittorio and Eduardo all died with heart disease at the end of the 1950s.    Antonio followed in the year 1974.

    11 Responses to “Brattisani/Brattesani Rosa and Giulio Giulianotti”

    1. David Giulianotti says:

      Hello as you can see from my surname we may be distantly related. My Grandfather was Enrico Ottavio Giulianotti which would mean Rosa was my Great Grandmother. I am the only son of Raymond Joeseph Giulianotti.

    2. nina Giulianotti says:

      And I am Nina Giulianotti, daughter of Antonio Giulianotti. Giulio would be my grandfather, Rosa, my grandmother. I remember Raymond although I was vey little but I thought there was another brother too.

    3. Helen says:

      Thank you so very much for getting in touch with me. Are you a sister of Angela Giulianotti who lives in London.

    4. charles giulianotti says:

      I am the grandson of Nicodemo younger brother of Giulio. we are still in aberdeen!.have been in touch previously with nina in Madrid. cousins in Valdena are Adelmo and Mariarita. we all have the clan name of La Flang which is fixed by your blood line. near enough. my cousins in london are Fugaccia .more info to follow. regards charlie

    5. Helen says:

      Thank you so much for your comments and just to say that I am extremely interested in what you have said.. When you talk of the clan name please tell me more. I have never heard of this as yet, but am always willing and happy to learn of these things. Is there any photos you recognise as being your Nicodemo’s children in the pages of the lost Giulianotti’s.
      There are still more photos to be included in these ‘lost’ pages and I would be extremely happy for your help. Thank you again Helen

    6. Rosalinda says:

      Hello,I’m Maria Rita Giuilanotti ‘s daughter.My lives in Valdena.My beloved uncle Adelmo passed away last April.It’s been such a lovely surprise discovering this website! Rosalinda

    7. nina Giulianotti says:

      I think I can remember your father, I was a child, being at my parents’ house on several occasions. I think he might have been with his own parents, who would be my aunt and uncle. Did Raymond have a brother? I seem to remember another boy.

    8. Stella Giulianotti (now mchardy ) says:

      Hello – my father was Johnny Giulianotti, son of Nicodemo. My father lived in Aberdeen for most of his life after returning from Italy. Maria Rita and Aldemo are my cousins. I am so sorry to learn about Adelmo’s passing. I also have cousins in London – the Fuccagias. This is a very interesting website.

    9. Rhonda Young ( Milne) says:

      Hello My name is Rhonda Young, I am from the Milne side of the family. My line runs through the ENRICO GIULIANOTTI side of the family. He married Isabel (Belle)Milne she is my Grandfathers sister. Isabel was born 1916 in Aberdeen Scotland and they had two children Albert and Robert Giulianotti. My Grandfather was James Rennie Milne born April 22/ 1910 in Aberdeen and he married Isabella McAdam Born April 21/ 1907. I have been researching my family history and will be adding all the information I find to my family tree. What a wonderful website you have. Thank you so much. Take care and Merry Christmas

    10. Ed Fowler says:

      Justice Street is hardly North Aberdeen itis in the Old East End of the City alonf with Castle terrace – also featured on my website.. In the street directory are deatails of Longacre. There were many Italians in aberdeen who emigrated from Italy under the Padrone system. See also 1939-45 when many were interned in camps. It would be nice to know where there businesses operated from in Aberdeen.

    11. Helen says:

      Thanks for your comment Ed. Will go in now to have a look at your website.

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