The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

BRATTESANI Demarco Lines

Because many of the Demarco and De Marco families who found themselves in Scotland inter-married  the relationships can sometimes be difficult to work out.   So let’s see what we can unravell.  It does get quite complicated so we must do one branch at a time. But we must remember that the branches who settled in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Selkirk are all one and the same with their common roots back in Picinisco.    Whilst researching the various branches of the Demarco family we find common surnames, Pelosi, D’Ambrosia and Corio being three families whose sisters and brothers would all marry into the Demarco family.  Occasionally we can find a Crolla, a Valvona, a Rossi, a Valente  and a Capaldi, just to spice up the family every now and again.  There were other branches of the family who settled in Salcoats in Manchester  but wherever they settled you find the same social interaction between the above named families.


We travel back to Italy and find CARMINO DEMARCO who was a Farmer and he lived in the village of Picinisco in Italy with his wife Mariccia D’Ambrozia.   Carmino has been described as an ‘Artists Modeller’ and we already have discovered that some of their family moved to Paris to ply their good looks and to model for the Artists of the Day.They had several children and we are discovering them one by one and finding out a bit more about their lives after their great exodus from Italy.


  • Alfred Demarco we have to trace.
  • Andrea or Andrew  Demarco married his cousin Carmelia or Amelia Demarco.  This is the direct line of the McKirdy Clan  
  • Carmine Demarco married Teresa Crolla.
  • Gregorio Demarco married twice.  FIRST to Georgette Bullour.   They had one son who tragically died when he was only 20 years in an accident which left him with a fractured skull.  Gregorio was widowed shortly afterwards.  In 1903  he re-married Maria de Luzzio, whose parents were also in the Ice Cream Businesses.   She was thirty years younger that Gregorio. 
  • Antonio Demarco married Maria Giuseppa  Corio.  She was affectionately known as Peppina.    She was born in 1862 and died in 1915 at 24 Corporation Buildings in Portobello.  Her father was Antonio Corio, a farmer from Italy.  Their son Carmino Demarco was born at 141 High Street, Dunbar on 11th August 1901.
  • It was Antonio’s  son Carmino who married Elizabeth Valentina Fusco and whose marriage links all our families together.  They had three sons, Richard, Michael and Louis.  Richard Demarco is the famous Edinburgh Artist

    Carmino Demarco, husband of Maria Brattesani

  • It was  also their daughter Maria Demarco and  son-in-law Gabriel Demarco who ran the Malmaison Mansion in Portobello.   
  •  Michele or Michael  was born in the year 1851 in Picinosco and he married Caroline Pelosi [Pelosi is also another well known Italian/ Edinburgh family  who have made their own unique history with their famous Luca Ice Cream Parlours in Musselburgh} whose family also were rooted in Picinisco.   Michel and Caroline settled in the Promenade in Portobello and were very much a part of the history of the Demarco family in this area at the time.   Michele died in the year 1916 at his home at 38 Promenade in Portobello.  

    Gabriel’s marriage to his cousin


  • Their  son GABRIEL DEMARCO married his first-cousin  Maria Christina De Marco.   Gabriel was born in the year 1885 in Picinisco in Italy. Gabriel and Maria had two children,  Umberto was born in 1902 and died in the year 1977 in Edinburgh.  Umberto went on to become a musician and he perhaps worked in the Malmaison on the Promenade.

    a sketch of the Malmaison, Portobello Promenade

     When he married in St. Joseph’s Chapel in Peebles in 1929 this was in fact his occupation and his address given as 40 Promenade, Portobello.   His wife was Candida Donfrancesco and she was from Peebles.  Her parents were Antonio Donfrancesco who was a master Confectioner and Filomena Palermo.



    LUIGI DEMARCO was born circa 1844.   He was most probably the brother of Carmino above.  The family Demarco were all photographed in the year 1915 at the wedding of Luigi Arcari, and Giulia Demarco.   Luigi is sitting in the front row next to the groom.   Also in the photograph is Gabriel and Cristina Demarco who as we now know were the proprietors of the Maison Demarco.   

     Luigi settled at first in Brighton where other branches of the family had made their lives.  Then up to Glasgow where we find them in the year  1891  2 Corn Street in Glasgow.  His business there  was in the confectionery line.

    Luigi Demarco

    But he moved to the East Coast to beautiful Edinburgh and resided in the old tenements of 112 Leith Street in Edinburgh in the 1901.   With him were his wife Maria, his children Maria,  Serafino, Antonio and also Orazio Capaldi to name but a few.   The ice cream business was lucrative and all members of the families were involved .   In another flat  at the same address, 112 Leith Street we find Angelantonio Demarco who was born in 1859.   He was also there with his wife Caronela and their children Angelina and Carmino.  [yes, another Carmino].   His father in low Nasanga Crolla was also living with them here.  Interestingly enough, pinched from my friend Stuart Capaldi’s webpages we have an Alexander Demarco also residing here at this 112 Leith Street with an ancestor of Stuart’s, Archille Capaldi

    Archille Capaldi

    It is interesting and unusual to find so many Demarco, Arcari, Capaldi and Crollas all under one roof don’t you think – This link will show you many, many Demarco’s, Crolla’s, Agostino’s, Capaldis, etc. etc. it is a wonderful photographic experience.    Many of these groups settled in England.  I will paste in a couple of photographs just to give you a wee taste of how brilliant a site this is

    1920s Picinisco family

    Demarco family

    Demarco’s all for one and one for all


    ABERDEEN 1881

    The census tells us that up in Aberdeen in lodgings were two  street musicians,   Angelo Demarco age 63, and  Severino Demarco age 14, who would more than likely to have been his grandson.

    Italian Street Musicians 1880

       These Demarco’s were two of the first to arrive in Scotland.  In the same lodgings were Capaldi and Pacitti family members who also gave their occupations as musicians


ALFONSO DEMARCO settled in Dundee with his wife Giacinta Pelosi.  Giacinta was born in the year 1878 in Italy.   Giacinta’s parents were Michelangelo Pelosi and he was a ploughman or farmer in Italy.



Her mum was Nunziata Arcari.   Alfonso and Giacinta lived at The Cross in Carnoustie.    She died at the tender age of 41 years.

In Montrose 

 IN THE YEAR 1919 there was a marriage between Luigi DeMarco, Confectioner who lived in Arbroath.   HIS PARENTS WERE GIOVANNI DEMARCO AND CARMELLA CROLLA.   His new wife  was Maddalena Valente who was from Brechin.    The Valente family are also from the Picinisco Region in Italy.

The Arbroath Branch

Vincenzo Demarco, was another son of Giovanni Demarco and Carmella Crolla.   Like most of the family at this time his occupation was one of Confectioner .  These immigrants knew how to satisfy the sweet tooth of the Scots nation.   He married Marianna Rossi whose family had settled in Dundee.  Her parents were also in the Confectionery business.



Bert Demarco

A LEGENDARY snooker figure known to Capital fans as the man behind the Marco’s Leisure Centre has died.

The name of Bert DeMarco has long been a byword for the sport and at one time he even coached a 14-year-old prodigy from South Queensferry named Stephen Hendry.

Bert, who himself was once the country’s highest ranked professional player, died at the age of 87 after a short illness at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.  A five-time winner of the Scottish Amateur trophy and two-time Open winner, Bert opened his first club, The Angle Club, in Morningside Road in 1975.


THIS INFORMATION has been copied directly from information given via Billy and his sister Andrea.   This is their direct line  and goes directly back to Italy circa 1500s.  

THIS GENERATION is as far back as has been traced to date

  • Bartolomeo De Marco married Menega Pignat
  •  Their children were: Marco, Francesco, Domenico, Govanni-23/6/1706, Giov.Maria-24/7/1711 –  DOMENICO is the Direct line
  • Domenico De Marco married Caterina Gaspardo di Faloma
  •  Their children were:, Marco-13/12/1722,  Angela-23/12/1724,  Giobatta-25/1/1726, Anna-18/8/1730 and  Lorenzo-8/2/1737  MARCO is the Direct Line


  • Marco De Marco married Angela Moro
  • Their child was: Domenica-22/99/1753
  •  Marco’s second marriage was to Angela Biasutto,  Their children were:  Pietro-19/9/1756,   Anna-23/8/1762   PIETRO is the direct line


  • Pietro De Marco married Giustina Pin, Their children were, Giovanni (Marchetot)-14/3/1782, Natale-6/9/1787,  Marco-19/6/1794, Batista-28/3/1794,  Guiseppe-no date,  Angela-no date
  • Marco De Marco (industriante ) married Maria Pascutti
  •  Their children were:Elizabetta-7/5/1820,  Pietro-29/8/1822,   Rosa-20/12/1824,   Guiseppe-1/8/1826,   Giobatta-17/1/1829  DIRECT LINE GIOBATTA
  • Giobatta De Marco married Maria Morrasutt
  • Their children were: Regina-19/8/1854,  Andrea 26/1/1856 (Ice Cream maker), Elizabetta 20/2/1860,  Giovanni 28/10/1861, Lucia 6/2/1863. Teresa 22/6/1864, Giacomo 27/10/1867


  •  Andrea De Marco Married Emiglia Demarco (of Paris, 2nd line of Demarco)
  •  Their children were:
  •  Sam, from Andreas 1st marriage, (probably Samuele)..not Emiglia’s son
  • Delizia 1890((?bornPicinisco) Len
  •  Donato 1896 (?bornPicinisco ) Donald
  •  Annie
  •  Jessie
  •  Maggie
  •  Tony
  •  Mary 1903 (? born Picinisco)Maria
  •  Joseph 1901 (? born, Edinburgh ) Joe
  •  Andrew 1908 (? born Dumfries)



20 Responses to “BRATTESANI Demarco Lines”

  1. Peter Boni says:

    Thank you for the information about my Grandfather, Luigi Demarco, who was the father of Bert Demarco. I am told that my Grandmother, Maddalena Valente, was born in Cassino. She was working in the mills in Brechin, when she met Luigi, and the rest is history.
    Luigi was in the Italian army in the first World War, and was decorated, receiving the Silver and Bronze medals (Presented by the King of Italy), The Italian Campaign Medal, the British Military Medal, and the Croix De Guerre.

  2. Billy McKirdy says:

    Love reading through this Helen as I do from time to time to remind myself what an amazing family we have.
    We note on my Grandmother Delezia Demarco.
    I can confirm she was actually born in 1896 in Church Street, Partick, Glasgow.

  3. ryan cowie says:

    uncle billy this is the first time I have read back to where our originated

  4. Shirley says:

    I remember the most beautiful cafe named Demarcos in Carnoustie Scotland

    ART DECO – beautiful glass annex at the back with a secret garden and an apple tree

    Shop at the front selling wonderful ice creams and the finest confectionary

    Ran by the Demarco sisters – two middle aged ladies living in another era which added to the charm of the cafe

    One sister was more generous than the other with the orange squash and the ice cream syrup!

    We have a photo of our Mother sitting in the cafe?

    We were very little but DEMARCOS added to magical childhood memories
    I believe there was a petition when they were re developing The cross Carnoustie
    To save DEMARCOS but when the last sister passed away they knocked it down to build a Safeway for the greedy locals! Please note the locals ruined the charm of Carnoustie!

    DEMARCOS was right in the middle of the high street at the cross – apart from the golf it Was Carnoustie!
    I can still smell the coffee!

  5. Helen says:

    Thanks for sharing these memories with us Shirley. I will have to look this up now and see who is who thanks

  6. Kayleen Nicholson says:

    I am trying to find some history on a gravestone in Coolah NSW, Australia and I am not sure if this person is from this line of De Marco’s or not. The grave is alone except for one other grave further afield from this one. My mother said that the De Marco’s in Coolah was the town doctor some time ago. The grave reads:

    To the dear memory of
    Rachele Ines De Marco
    aged 21 years
    who departed this life
    on 25th December 1899
    Her inconsolable husband
    with imperishable love

    I felt urged to look into the history of this person as the grave is unkempt and alone. My mother said that back in the day, if a person committed suicide they were buried away from the rest of the departed as their souls would not rest……………. I am hoping that this is not the case of course.

    Thank you

    Kayleen Nicholson

  7. Helen says:

    Thanks for the comment Kayleen. The De Marco and Demarco line came mainly from the Picinisco and Cassino area in Italy. What a sad message for all to read for all time. Lets see if anyone can shed some light on this. Helen

  8. Marina angeloni says:

    Just trying to find out some information on my grandpa he was called Donato demarco who married his 1st cousin Laura Valente they both came from grandad emigarated to Wales in the early 1920 s

  9. Helen says:

    Helo Marina. Lets see if anyone out there has the answer. I would try the Cassino Italian Immigrants group on facebook. They have a wealth of information from the region and the Valente name is one I am sure is connected to many families within the region and even here in the UK. Jacky Bryant and Jamie Capaldi are two of the founders of the group. Meanwhile we can see if any of the Demarco Clan can help

  10. Debra Valvona says:

    Hello, I hope you dont me popping into your conversation.
    I am trying to find out my family history and Valvona and Crolla keeps popping up.
    I have read the artical and am trying to understand why the delicatessen has Valvona in the name?
    What connection my family name has to the Demarco/crolla family?
    Many thanks
    Debra Valvona

  11. Helen says:

    There is so much information out there on this famous Edinburgh Italian family. I will have a look for you and see if I can send you any information. I know there are books written by family with much detail about their humble beginnings and their early lives here in Scotland

  12. Helen says:

    This branch of the Valvona family came from Atina, Frosinone, Lazio in Italy. The Valvona’s however arrived in Scotland some years before the Crollas and were in fact naturalised in 1899. The branch stems from Gerolmo Valvoa who was born circa 1800, then his son Antonio born 1829 who married Anna Coppola 1834. It was Antony and Anna who first arrived in Scotland and settled in Leith. They became involved in the confectinery trade which was at the time a booming business for the Scots and their love of sweet confectionery. Their son Benedetto was born in Atina in the year 1864. In Scotland Benedetto married a Scots girl by the name of Margaret Lemmon who was born in Doune in Stirlingshire. They married in 1893 in Edinburgh. They had four children all born in Edinburgh and naturalised in 1899. They were Raphael, Paulo, Raimondo Victor and Marie Caroline. The family lived in Great Junction Street in Leith. It was Raphael who first introduced the Crolla family into the delicattesan and confectionery trade. He partnered up with Vittoria Crolla who was born in Edinburgh in 1915.

    The Crolla family were from a village called Fontinune up high in the Abruzzo Mountains, south of Rome. The village in the late 1880s had only about 100 inhabitants, and nearly all with the Crolla surname. In Italy the family were self sufficient, they farmed crops on the land and farmed sheep. There was also vines which grew on the steep slopes of their little piece of Land. But despite their self-sufficiency the families from the area were poor and by the end of the 1880s many of the locals left, and it is documented that the Crolla brothers left on foot, for a chance to get a ‘better’ life elsewhere. The brothers walked down the old Roman Appian Way. They then turned north to Genoa and over to France and eventually to Calais where they crossed into England. They met relatives in London, and it was known that their own father Philip had already been in London, but returned home to Italy, and it was here that the brothers decided to come north to Scotland. The rest really is history, with the family settling in Edinburgh. The Crolla family had set up a business in Easter Road in Edinburgh selling ice-cream and confectionery. It was only natural that after he left school at 14 Victor worked here with his father and uncle.

    Vittorio Crolla, or Victor as he became better known, and Raphael Valvona, with his father Benedetto at the helm, set up business in the year 1934 in Elm Row. This business is still there today with the descendants of Victor still very much in charge. Sometime after the business started Benedetto with Raphael left the scene but allowed the family to continue with the Valvona name over the shop front. Raphael’s son Raymond died at the tender age of 16 at Sea in the Merchant Navy. It is thought that this had a real impact on why the Valvonas left the business. Benedetto died in 1944 and Raphael in 1954.

    As for the Demarco connection. Victor’s Brother in Law was Lorenzo Demarco. There were many Italians who were interred during the War. Alfonso Crolla and Lorenzo Demarco were both to perish in the Andorra Star.

  13. Hi Shirley, If you still have that photo we’d love to see it. We run a social media page for Carnoustie and we’re currently putting together some old photos of Carnoustie. They prove to be extremely popular. We have a Facebook page where you can get in touch with us.

    Kind Regards


  14. Helen says:

    hello and thanks for your comment. You can see the History of Rachele Iness De Marco on the website DE MARCO the Coolah connections. So very sad

  15. Deborah says:

    Anyone know of DeMarco’s that settled in West Virginia, Shinston and Boomer areas

  16. Helen says:

    Have approved your post. Let’s see who reply

  17. Susan Cauchi says:

    Antonio de Marco married Bridgette McGinty but the marriage was a short one

  18. Susan Cauchi says:

    I am sorry it was Annie McGinty Antonio de Marco married

  19. Terri Colpi says:

    Hello Helen. Please do put up on your website the 1915 wedding photograph of Giulia [Giulietta] Demarco and Luigi [Isidore] Arcari from my book “Italians Forward. A Visual History of the Italian Community in Great Britain”. If you could ask if anyone knows who the other guests in the photograph are, that would be great.

    You have identified Luigi Demarco, brother of Carmino, and I had in my book identified Maria Cristina and Gabriele Demarco, daughter and son of Antonio and Michele Demarco respectively. Michele and Antonio were two of Carmino’s six sons. Antonio was Richard Demarco’s paternal grandfather.

    It would be so good to know who the others are from both the Demarco and Arcari families.
    Thank you.
    Terri Colpi

  20. Helen says:

    Have put into another page as well the Demarco trying to link up page.

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