The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

Giulianotti, Costella connections

Joseppe Costella – married Maria Guiolliotti (spelling?)

Borgo val da Tora

Their children were:

Alfonso, Aldo, Eugedio (whom were priests in the general area their whole lives – Aldo was a priest in Belforte and Alfonso was a priest in Pontolo.

Maria and Pierrina (sisters whom never married and lived with their brothers and took care of them)

and my grandfather, Mario, who was the only sibling who married.   The house that is still in our family – 6 via padre bracci in Borgo.  They have all since died.  The most recent being Pierrina about 4 years ago in the hospital in Borgo.  I went to visit my great uncles and aunts in Borgo in 1978 for 4 months.  I was ten at the time.  I have many pictures from then.   I remember the market on the weekends when the locals would sell their items on that wide pramanade.  I remember the movie theater.  The icecream store in the middle of town.  My grandmother would take me swimming in the river Tarro near the bridge.  My grandfather married in the Bronx, NY to Ida Ferrara – their children are Joseppe, Antonio, Virginia, and Eugedio all of whom live now in Westchester county.

Borgo val da Tora

Virginia Costella (maiden) is my motherBorgo val di Taro is considered the capital of the Alta Val Taro and it can be very well defined a happy island for its gastronomy and the environment.
The village boasts a great history, starting from its originary name Turris and still today it has signs of it in the urbanistic and architecture of the territory, as for example the romanic parish church of San Cristoforo in San Pietro.
During the last World War Borgo val di Taro was the scene of many episodes of Resistance war and in 1985 the gonfalon of the Borgo val di Taro Municipality was decorated with a Golden medal for Military Value.
The village is now known for its great life quality and its mushrooms, above all the Porcino mushroom, marked IGP, is undoubtedly the star.
Every year this delicious product of the woods attracts tourists from everywhere in Borgotaro to taste all the yummy typical recipes, from the tagliatelle to the deep fried or in oil mushrooms. The autumn then, is the most crowded time of the year, full of events in general, starting from the Mushroom of Borgotaro fair, taking place every year on the third and fourth weekend of September.
Even during Summertime though, Borgotaro becomes the ideal place of vacation for those who wish to spend a holiday full of culture, entertainment and relax in beautiful natural environments. Moreover, the Municipality of Borgo val di Taro has recently obtained the Environmental Certificate ISO 14001 and it has also been included in the ?Cittàslow? circuit with other small villages in which the good life in a healthy place is a priority

3 Responses to “Giulianotti, Costella connections”

  1. keith marubbi says:

    hi my great grandmother was angela costella from borgo she was born 1865

  2. Helen says:

    Could you send me details please Keith. Would love to hear more about her line and to see if there is any connections with our lines

  3. gabriella costella says:

    just wondered whether we were related as my father lived in osacca gravago

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