The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

BRATTESANI Cura connections

Trying to untangle the social interaction between these families and those of the Ferrari, Cardinali, Delgrosso, Dora, Zanrae and even more  families who have intertwined with each other over the centuries in the small hamlets in Italy, and I must say it is quite a challenge. So anyone who can help please be in touch.

Buzzo, Albareto, Borgotora, Parma, Italy

The Brattesani family and the Cura families are related through at least three different lines stretching back of the decades to circa 1870 and beyond.  The branches  who settled in Perth, Dundee and Cupar in Fife are all most certainly related through brothers back in Parma.  There were Brattesani and Cura found in the 1861 English Census living in London.

Cura and Brattesani families living in London 1861

The Cura family were described as Image Makers or Photographers and the Brattesanis as Musicians.

Meanwhile found in Scotland

Maria Bratizani as she was documented married Robert Cura in April 1886 in Parma.

The little Cemetery attached to the church is home to many of the Cura family
The little church has many of the Cura family interred here

On their arrival in Scotland Robert Cura  found work in the Ice Cream Industry as so many more of the family were at this time.

We can find them in the 1891 Scottish Census living at 80 South Street in Perth, Scotland.  With him was his wife Maria Bratizani,  his sister Maria Cura  who had married into the Cardinale Clan.  His brother Lui was also working with the family in Scotland.

The clan Cura

Ten years later we find the family of Roberto Cura at 5 Meal Vennell in Dundee.  here described as a restranteur.  The years in between had not been good for the family as he and Maria lose three of their chldren, Jane, Angelo and Giuseppe to tragic childhood illnesses which today can be treated and cured.  Their remaining children Clemetina and Euphemia are both still at school.  Ten years later they have a son John Roberto with them at the same address .  Meal Vennell was a thoroughfair  in the centre of the city

Old Perth

Meanwhile Roberto’s sister Maria Cura and her children Luigi, Angelo and Maria Cardinale were at an address  80 South Street in the same Old Perth.   Maria was born circa 1853 in Borgotora.

South Street, Perth

Also in Perth in No. 14 Hospital Street are another family of Curas. Giulio being the head of the family and also a confectioner by trade, his wife Maria, daughters Rosina and Esther  and son Adolpho .   Daughter Rosina who was 6 in 1891 was born in London, England so this branch of the Cura family had moved up from there.  I am still to ascertain relationships between Giulio and the other two Perth Branches.

Giovanni Cura was born circa 1865 and he  married Luigia Dora in Italy.  Their daughter Angela Cura who was born in 1891  married into the Delfillipo clan and also settled in Perth.

Augustino Cura who was also born in Buzzo, di Albereto circa 1878 married Louise Delgrosso in the little Italian hamlet then they also came to live in Dundee where Bartolomeo was born in 1903.  The family then also moved to Perth where Giuseppe was born in 1917.

So we have these siblings and cousins all arriving around the same time and settling in Perth Scotland.

Now Dundee  and Forfar

One  line seems to stem from Andrea Cura and Luigia Delgrosso. and their Anthony seemed to settle in Forfar in Angus.  The other line in Dundee is Giuseppe who was also born circa 1880 in Buzzo di Alberto and married there in 1903.  His wife was Gevorella Cura.  If they were first cousins it would be the reason for them losing so many of their children as infants.  They resided in Hawkhill, Dundee.

Old Hawkhill, Dundee

In the year 1926 there was another knotting of the Brattesani and Cura families back in Borgotora.  Giovanni Cura married Adele Brattesani  ion 9th January 1926.  They also came to Scotland where their daughter Flora was born in Cupar in fife in 1927 and their son Pietro Benito in 1932

  • Perhaps if any of the Cura family would like to contribute to their history they could leave a comment for Helen

5 Responses to “BRATTESANI Cura connections”

  1. Joseph A Cura says:

    I believe I may be the grandson of the Adolpho Cura mentioned in this post.

  2. Michael Cura says:

    Hi Helen
    I’m one of seven children grandchildren of Giovanni Cura and Adele Brattesani. Son of Pietro Benito, who now has 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Of which only 5 carry the surname Cura and only 2 are male, so the likelihood of carrying the name forward is limited.
    Pietro’s sister is no longer with us. She never married and had no children.
    Loved hearing the history above. Thank you

  3. Simon Toll says:

    Hello – i wonder if anyone can help me find details about two people who worked as artist’s models in London; Alessandro de Marco and Antonia Cura?

  4. Mary Schubert says:

    SIMON TOLL: my Great Grandmother was Antonietta Cura, lived in London and was supposed to have been an artist’s model for Frederick Leighton. Cura was her married name and her husband was Augustino Cura. My grandfather was Ludovico Cura, born in Borgo Val Di Taro but moved with his family to London as a young man. He died in November 1940 and is buried in London in St Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in a joint plot with his younger brother Eugenio Cura.

    Mary Schubert

  5. Helen says:

    THANK YOU Mary for your comment. I have approved this and hope we can get some feedback

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