The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

STANTONS and Stauntons of Islandeady, County Mayo

I must include this wonderful work as amongst the research is Walter Staunton.   Our direct ancestor is also Walter.  There was only three found in the whole of the County for the dates we know to be accurate, and this was the marriage of his son Edward in the year 1844 in Westport County Mayo to Honor Green.  Edward was born in 1817.  We estimate the birth of his dad Walter to be circa 1790 or thereabouts.  This research has been compiled by someone on the Mayo website looking for their own ancestors.

line from Denis to Walter

Located along the N5 road, midway between the towns of Castlebar and Westport, the rural village of Islandeady (Irish: Oileán Éadaígh) nestles in the shadow of Ireland’s holy mountain, Croagh Patrick.

Two stories prevail as to how Islandeady got its name. One is that when the first people arrived in the area they lived on the island (where the graveyard is now situated) and washed their clothes in the water surrounding it – hence ‘Oileán Éadaígh’. 

The second and more popular story is that the name Islandeady or ‘Oileán Éadaígh’ evolved from the 13th Century Saint Eiden/Aidan who lived in the small peninsula surrounded by Bilberry Lake and who founded a church there

Islandeady Parish & Churches

The parish of Islandeady extends from Ayle near Aughagower on the south to the Crumpaun river near Glenhest on the north. It borders six other parishes in the Diocese of Tuam – Kilmeena, Westport, Aughagower, Carnacon, Castlebar and Newport. Islandeady also borders Lahardane parish (Addergoole) in the Diocese of Killala.

Nestled as it is in the shadow of Croagh Patrick, the Roman Catholic church in Islandeady is dedicated to St Patrick. Legend has it that St Patrick, on his way to the holy mountain in 440 AD, visited Raheens in Islandeady, where he preached on the shores of a lake in the peaceful little parish. 

St Patrick’s Church was originally thatched, but in 1849 the then parish priest, Rev John Fitzgerald, had the building slated and the centre aisle was also added. 

Further refurbishments have been undertaken over the years, with the most recent being a new extension – kitchenette, store room, toilets & Prayer garden – at the rear of the Church, completed in 2009. This extension was named St Aidans room, called after the old church ruin of St Aidan in Islandeady Cemetery.

Aolain was a hermit saint who lived in Islandeady, and from whom the other half of the parish, Glenisland (‘Gleann Aolain’) gets its name. In nearby Pollanass, there is a double-cupped stone reputed to show the marks of the hermit’s knees. The Church of the Holy Rosary in Glenisland was built in 1820 for 150 pounds.

Within Easy Reach
  • Westport – 10 mins
  • Castlebar – 10 mins
  • Croagh Patrick – 20 mins
  • Museum of Country Life, Turlough – 20 mins
  • Knock Shrine – 30 mins
  • Ireland West Airport Knock – 40 mins
  • Leenane and Killary Harbour – 40 mins

This is the area from where our own line originates. Married in Westport, County Mayo in 1844 was Edward Staunton and Peggy Grady. They came to Edinburgh in Scotland during the great famine and they have many descendants here today as well as scattered through Canada, America, South Africa and more.

They were amongst what we would call the ‘poor’ Stauntons not the rich line from the big house in Westport.

I have copied over all this information as it is so precious that it must be preserved.  Please send in comments

Some Aglish/Islandeady records:

Myles of Michael STAUNTON & Kitty HORAN
Sponsors: Bridget HORAN & Anne CUNNINGHAM 4-23-1842

Michael of Michael STAUNTON & Catherine HORAN 7-14-1845

Bridget of Michael STAUNTON & Catherine HORAN 6-26-1854

Other possible children of this union are:

Thomas STAUTON b abt 1856 = Married Mary A” CORLEY; Sarah & Maria born in 1890
Walter STAUTON b unk [ joint tenant w/ Michael [1845] at Cloonkeen?]”
Bridget STAUTON 6-12-1854
James STAUNTON abt 1839

Some Likely connection of these STAUNTONS with the HORANS below:

These are Co tenants or Contiguous tenants with the above STAUNTONS”

Thady HORAN = Mary MADDEN married abt 1857  possible brother to Kitty HORAN?]
Bridget HORAN 1857
John HORAN 1857
Patrick HORAN = Ellen LALLY married 1891
John HORAN 8-24-1866

Other possible connections:

  • Patrick CURLEY w/son James Curley b 1841
  • Martin CURLEY b 1845
  • James CURLEY = Nancy [Anne] JENNINGS married 9-8-1851; dtr” Margaret CURLEY b 1-28-1854
  • John STAUNTON; w/son Richard STAUNTON = Isabella ACTON
  • John’s brothers: MICHAEL B 1822; PATRICK; JAMES
  • Michael CORLEY = Mary HESTON/Hestin married 1-15-1858; dtr” Maria CORLEY, b 12-7-1865


Townlands in the Civil Parish of ISLANDEADY & one AGLISH townland that are Contiguous and have STAUNTON and HORAN tenants”



3. Some questions I have:

· Can anyone in the area untangle some the messy data that I am sharing about the Stantons, Horans and Corleys?
Are there tombstone memorials for the 1840 to 1890 period?
Where would tenants from Cloonkeen, Derrycoosh, Killadeer, be buried?
If there are graveyards at Islandeady, Glenisland and Raheens…have their tombstones been transcribed and available?
Why are there the “Rich Stauntons Westport as opposed to the poor ones elsewhere? What makes it so?

4. Some quoted historical sources about Islandeady:

“One Justice of the Peace from Islandeady reported to a Parliamentary Committee in 1835 that during the years of the Napoleonic Wars, the conditions of the poorwas prosperous to the extreme’…. Page 62

1892 Poor Law Inspector repot:
The typical Islandeady Autumn and Winter diet consisted of

“Breakfast Potatoes and milk or butter, followed by tea and flour bread if taken”
Dinner Consists of potatoes, with eggs or fish [salt], generally herrings”
Supper Potatoes and milk or butter is always taken, except by families in better circumstances, who use tea and flour bread” Page 62 Land and Popular Politics in Ireland by Donald E” Jordan, Jr”; 1994

The dietary is much the same, except that stirabout, made wither of Indian or oaten meal, takes the place of potatoes” Indian meal is not much favoured except by very poor people, and oaten meal, the use of which at one time had almost died out, is now again being much used”

A reference to the March 1880 Islandeady “censure Louden by Rev” Thomas O’Malley, PP, the then Land League branch president” Page 275 Land and Popular Politics in Ireland by Donald E” Jordan, Jr”; 1994

A reference to the political situation surrounding the 10 April 1881 Land meeting at Kilbree, Islandeady” Page 307 Land and Popular Politics in Ireland by Donald E” Jordan, Jr”; 1994

Sunday 16 April 1848″ Petition of John McIntire, Carnacoole, to Lord Lieutenat”
Petition is fully quoted and contains references to

McINTIRES claim that his family is near starvation
His steward Thomas PHELLIN is mentioned as corroborative witness
John CONNOR, the schoolmaster, denied McIntires children schooling and bread
Has no wordly possesions but for “the daylight, glory be to God in his mercy towards us”
Implores that his children be accepted at the school
Mention of Edmond MORAN of Derrycouce has a family of six who receives “9 stone of meal but was “curtailed this, tree weeks past”
Mention of Capt Ferren, Thomas McManmon [relieving officer], and Ulick WALSH, Derrycouse tailor

The petition ends with, “Save us from hunger and starvation and petitioners will incessantly pray”

There is a rebuttal by Ferren which ends, “The relieving officer offered the family a ticket for the workhouse but they did not accept it”

Page 308, In Their Own Words by Liam Swords, 1999
‘Fr Swords has written other historical works’

5. SNIPPITS OF ISLANDEADY DATA, I’ve collected over time:

James SCAHIL = Mary STAUNTON 2-10-1830 Westport Record
[Per GV the only Schails/Schahills in this area of Mayo are @ Creeragh,Ballyhean which borders Cloonkeen,Aglish where Michael & Thady HORAN and Michael STAUNTON farmed”]

Honor STANTON of Michael STANTON & Catherine LALLY 3-11-1871 LDS Mayo


[Catherine LALLY of John HOPKINS & Mary MCKEW [MCHUGH] 2-24-1842 lds Mayo]

Ulick [Wm”] STAUNTON born 1775
Dies of starvation [diarrhea] 1/15/1847 @ age 72 at the Castlebar Workhouse”
Source: Swords – In their Own Words

Born about 1816 a Henry STAUNTON Islandeady Parish”

1796 Ireland Flax Growers List in Mayo:

Hubert Stanton [Hugh?]
John Stanton
Richard Stanton
Widow Stanton
John Stanton
Myles Stanton
Peter Stanton [From Deerycreeve?]

1818 Lord Sligo Rent Rolls

@ Kelladeer [Killadeer] near Ballyheane w/note “near Ballyheane road to Arlle

Myles MCEVEELY [aka STAUNTON] 30 pounds
Patrick Stanton & Co” 41 pounds

Could include DERRYCOOSH & CLOONKEEN townlands”

[Part of a a report]
Parish Priest Curate Parish Post town County
John GriffinPatrick Horan Michael CorleyOwen Coyne CrossboyneBallyglass Newport Newport MayoMayo

Could these priests be local sons assigned to Newport parishes?

1830 Voters in Castlebar Co Mayo:

John KIELY Richard KLYNE

LDS = Latter Day Saints or “The Mormans”

[1830 Marriage]
James SCAHIL = Mary STAUNTON 2-10-1830 [Westport Record]

[GV the only Schails/Schahills in this area of Mayo are @ Creeragh, Ballyhean which borders Cloonkeen,Aglish where Michael & Thady HORAN and Michael STAUNTON farmed”]

[1831 Thomas Corley Birth]
Thomas CURLEY [Corley] b 12-23-1831 = Bridget MCGOUGH [McHugh]
b 11-26-1836
Marriage @ Derrywash/Aglish on 3-11-1854
Maria Corley 1856
John Corley 1858
Bridget Corley 1859
Kate Corley 1863

[A posting by Jo Dee on 8-24-2000]
˜Looking for info on Thomas Curley born 12/23/1831 to Micheal or John Corley? who was born abt 1805 & Bridget Resley [Reilly?] born abt 1809 in Ireland Thomas married Bridget McGough 3/26/1855 she was born 11/26/1836 her mother was Marie Gallagher born abt 1815 all this was in Castlebar, County Mayo can anyone help

[GV Derrycoosh, Islandeady has Andrew MCHUGH, Walter STAUNTON and Michael STAUNTON” No CURLEY spelling in the Castelbar vicinity”
CORLEY entries in the parishes of Kildacommoge, Turlough, Ballyheana but not Aglish”]
Derrycoosh is contiguous to Cloonkeen, Aglish, again where the Horans and Stantons shared tenancy”

Henry STAUNTON [Son of Peter] b1836 to 2-1-1926 [age 91] per D”Cert” Crumlin/Castlebar

[buried in old family plot @ Islandeady Cemetery” From a pedigree file]

Henry STAUNTON [3/17/1880 4/12/1968] [Derrycreeve] = Maria MOYLETT [12/6/1885 8/1/1975]
Dtr” of Thomas MOYET[T] [1853-1942] & Anne WALSH [1856-1924]
Others: Peter b1871, Bridget b1877, John, Mary Ann, Patrick d1934

Richard STANTON & Maria/Mary BUTLER 12-4-1843 Castelbar Parish Records
[GV a Michael Butler @ Dooleague, Islandeady connection?]

Patrick of James GIBBONS & Mary STANTON 1-13-1844 Cashel/Islandeady
[GV David, John, Patrick Richard Gibbons plus a Thomas Irwin @ Cashel]

Edward FLAHERTY & Honoria STAUNTON 1-11-1845 w/Thomas SOLON & Bridget TIMON @ Church of the Holy Family [Castlebar]”
[GV most likely, these are the families involved:
Patrick and Michael FLAHERTY @ Carrowbeg, Islandeady
Honoria FLAHERTY @ Killadeer, Ballintuber
Edmund Stanton @ Carrowbeg, Islandeady
No Solon or Timon in the immediate areas]

William of Patrick STANTON & Catherine CAGIL [Cohill] 4-20-1846 Castelbar/Aglish
[GV -Many COHILls in Ballyhean area all @ Cloonaghmore contiguous to Killadeer
@ Killadeer Patrick Ulick and Patrick William STAUNTON” Child might well be Patrick William’s son?]

[Famine Death 1848″ Probably at Derrycoosh or Cloonkeen]
Michael STANTON dies of starvation 2-23-1848 @ Islandeady Electoral Division”

Michael’s wife died the previous fall/harvest time [1847]”
He and two older sons returned from England where they worked as seasonal migrants”
Michael went to his wife’s brother [Michael Kane] for assistance, he was a lodger
Subsequently, his son, about age 9, reported to his uncle Michael Kane that his father “was dead on the roadside

Reported to the Dublin Evening Post by Capt Farren on 3-8-1848″
Sited in Swords In Their own Words

[GV There was a Michael Kane @ Derrycoosh/Islandeady and Cloonkeen/Aglish contiguous townlands, which were solely owned by Lord Sligo!

The infamous Sir Roger Palmer owned 90,000 acres in Mayo

In July 1848, The Telegraph reported how
at Islandeady his ‘crowbar invincibles’, pulled down several houses [including a STANTON cabin], and drove forth the unfortunate inmates to sleep in the adjoining fields” On Thursday we witnessed the wretched creatures endeavouring to root out the timber of the houses, with the intention of constructing some sort of sheds to screen their children from the heavy rain falling at the time” The pitiless pelting storm has continued ever since, and if they have survived its severity, they must be more than human beings'”
1847 – 1850 People weakened by hunger and fever were unable to give proper burials to dead neighbours and relatives” The Tyrawly Herald described the situation at Leigue Cemetery in Ballina:
‘in some places the graves are so shallow that portions of the coffins are visible above ground'”
[eventually they ran out of or couldn’t afford coffins and dogs fed off the dead]

Patt of Bryan BRYAN and Mary STANTON 3-24-1853 Cloonfarth [Cloonfert/Ballyhean]

Cloonfert is contiguous with Derrycoosh, Islandeady where Michael and Walter STAUNTON were tenants and with Cloonkeen, Aglish where Michael and Thady HORAN and Michael STAUNTON were tenants”

Thomas CURLEY [Corley] b 12-23-1831 = Bridget MCGOUGH [McHugh]
b 11-26-1836
Marriage @ Derrywash/Aglish on 3-11-1854
Maria Corley 1856
John Corley 1858
Bridget Corley 1859
Kate Corley 1863

Derrycoosh, Islandeady has Andrew MCHUGH, Walter STAUNTON and Michael STAUNTON”
Derrycoosh is contiguous to Cloonkeen, Aglish, again where the Horans and Stantons shared tenancy”

[An about 1855 Stanton birth and an about 1875 Marriage in the Castelbar area” From a Stanton Family Website]

Henry STANTON b approx” 1855s
Margaret M” STANTON [wife] b approx 1855s
Married approx” 1875

Their daughters:
Mary Celia STANTON b 1877 Castlebar
Married 1913 Patrick Joseph MCDONNELL 8-12-1879 Castlebar

Margaret Elizabeth STANTON 2-2-1885 Castlebar
Married 1907 in USA
Thomas Francis MCDONNELL 6-28-1883 Castlebar
Other Children born in Castlebar area: Henry, James, Anna & Bridget

[ there could be multiple possibilities for a Stanton/McDonnell connection in the Castlebar area at Cloonkeen, Atticahill, Snugborough, etc”]

Michael HORAN & Mary WALSH 2-14-1855 Islandeady Parish

John STANTON to Bridget MURPHY 10-19-1855 Islandeady Parish

Catherine of Patt KILCOYNE and Mary CURLY [Corley?] 1-15-1856 Ballyhean
[GV – Patrick Kilcoyne @ Ringarraun/Ballyhean & @ Cogaula/Islandeady
Luke and Bridget Corley @ Derrydoragh/Ballyhean which are the only Corleys in Ballyhean”
Also @ Ringarraun are Pat JOYCE, Joseph & Martin MULROY]

John KILCOYNE and Sarah STANTON 2-4-1853 Islandeady Parish

A John KILCOYNE @ Cashel, Islandeady]

Bridget & John [Twins] of Thady HORAN & Mary MADDEN 11-6-1857 Aglish Records 1857
Patrick born in abt 1879 and marries an Ellen Lally in 1891″
[GV has a Thaddeus Horan, Cloonkeen,Aglish & @ Martin MADDEN, Derrycoosh which are contiguous”
Also a Walter & Michael STAUNTON at both Cloonkeen & Derrycoosh]

The above Walter & Michael may be sons of Michael Staunton & Catherine [Kitty] Horan and brothers of Myles”
Thady Horan may be a brother of Kitty Horan”
Also, 3-15-1891
Patrick of Thady HORAN [Cloonkeen]
Ellen of James LALLY [New Antrim St, Castlebar]

Anthony CLARK[e] and Bridget STANTON 2-3-1860 Islandeady Parish
[GV a long shot? There is an Anthony, Patrick and Thomas CLARKE @ Carrowntreila, Ballynalaglish

Patt of Malacky LOFTUS and Ellin [sic] SURDIRAL 10-24-1863 Cloonkeen/Aglish

John of John STANTON & Ellen CORCH [sp?] 6-20-1864 LDS Islandeady

Specific Locations uncertain:

Thomas CORLEY of William HORAN & Jane QUINNE 2/12/1864

Patrick STAUNTON & Honor GALLAGHER 4-15-1864
Honor of Patrick STAUNTON & Honor GALLAGHER 6-26-1870
Mary CORLEY of Patrick CORLEY & Mary STAUNTON 5/25/1864
Ellen CORLEY of Patrick CORLEY & Mary STATEN [sic] 1-3-1865
John of Thaddeus HORAN & Mary MADDEN 8/24/1866

Barnide of John BAILNEEL and Biddi STAUNTON 3-11-1867 Cloonkeen, Aglish

Anthony CLARKE & Bridget STANTON 2-8-1869 LDS Islandeady

Henry STAUNTON [3/17/1880 4/12/1968] [Derrycreeve] = Maria MOYLETT [12/6/1885 8/1/1975]
Dtr” of Thomas MOYET[T] [1853-1942] & Anne WALSH [1856-1924] [dtr” of Patrick Walsh?]
Married @ Ross,West,Turlough on 2-12-1868″

Peter b1871
Bridget b1877
Mary Ann
Patrick d1934

[1868 Marriage” Remote connection]
Henry STAUNTON [3/17/1880 4/12/1968] [Derrycreeve] =
Maria MOYLETT [12/6/1885 8/1/1975]
of Thomas MOYET[T] [1853-1942] &
Anne WALSH [1856-1924] [dtr of Patrick Walsh?]
Married @ Ross, West/Turlough on 2-12-1868″

GV – the John MOYLET in Mayo is @ Derry/Crossboyne ]

Peter b1871
Bridget b1877 Marriage date errors?
Mary Ann
Patrick d1934

7/30/1869 Marriage:

· Biddy of Michael CORLEY & Mary OBRIAN [spell?] 10-19-1869 LDS

Michael Corley b1846

[Note the obvious misspellings of Corley/Keeloges/Carrowbeg]
There was an Edmund Stanton @ Carrowbeg Islandeady
There were O’BRIENs [Darby, Martin, Matthew] @ Carrowbeg Islandeady
There were Corleys [John, Patrick, Michael] @ Old Keelogues Kildacommoge
[per Griffith’s Valuation]

But there is also a Keeloges Townland, Burrishoole Barony, Islandeady, so?


10/08/98 – E-mail: marksoucy@worldnet”att”net
We are searching the family of Patrick WALSH & Mary STANTON Walsh who lived in Derrycooch, (near Castlebar) County MAYO, Ireland” They were probably born in the 1860’s and married around 1880 and had six children named:
Patrick Walsh; Michael Walsh; Agnes Walsh twin, born 1886 and Anne Walsh twin, born 1886; Mary Walsh; and Margaret Walsh
All the children immigrated to the U”S” The girls to Maine and Boston, MA” The boys to Chicago,IL area” Agnes Walsh is our ancestor who came to the U”S” in 1903 on a Cunard line” We would like any information on this Walsh-Stanton family “
Rosemary Soucy

· Honor STANTON of Michael STANTON & Catherine LALLY 3-11-1871 LDS Mayo
[Catherine LALLY of John HOPKINS & Mary MCKEW [MCHUGH] 2-24-1842 LDS Mayo]

· Michael STANTON and Honor JOYCE 4-5-1877 Islandeady Parish
· Patrick of Michael STANTON & Honor JOYCE/Patrick & Catheine JOYCE 2-2-1879 C’bar/Aglish
· Mary of Michael STANTON & Honor ? 10-5-1880 Ballymacrah/Aglish
· Mary of Michael STANTON & Honor JOYCE/Patrick JOYCE & Mary MORAN 8-17-1882 Ballyhean Aglish

· Patrick BOURKE & Bridget HORAN 3-12-1892 Islandeady Parish


Ship Arrival @ NYC on February 13,1923
THADY HORAN no age given
1941 West Van Buren Street

This may be of general interest…

List of people with the name Stanton Newport/Westport Areas

Griffiths valuation of the parish of Burrishoole (1855) “
James Stanton Rosmore
John Stanton Carrowmore
John Stanton Main St
Mary Stanton Letterlough
Michael Stanton Roskeen North
Patrick Stanton Rosbarnagh
Patrick Stanton Roskeen North
Thomas Stanton Lisduff

from:Newport Area families 1864-1880 William G Masterson
Stanton Edward McGuiness Anne boatman Derrada
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Mary Aug 6th 1877 Edward Stanton

Stanton James Devir Barbara landholder Letterlough
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Mary Dec 8th 1871 James Stanton
Stanton Honor Apr 1st 1873 James Stanton
Stanton Robert Sep 11th 1875 James Stanton

Stanton James Devir Margaret landholder Letterlough
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton James Oct 12th 1877 Margaret Stanton
Stanton Richard Sep 4th 1879 Margaret Stanton

Stanton John McLoughlin Anne landholder Roskeen
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Peter Apr 5th 1866 John Stanton
Stanton Anne Apr 16th 1869 John Stanton

Stanton John Sweeny Margaret landholder Roskeen
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Mary Mar 27th 1864 John Stanton

Stanton Richard Mally Catherine landholder Roskeen
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Anne Dec 8th 1865 Richard Stanton
Stanton Mary Sep 20th 1868 Catherine Stanton
Stanton Bridget Apr 27th 1872 Richard Stanton
Stanton Peter Jul 13th 1874 Catherine Stanton
Stanton Catherine Jun 20th 1878 Mary Stanton
Stanton Honor Jan 2nd 1880 Mary Stanton

n/a Stanton Mary n/a Skerdagh
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Bridget Aug 7th 1869 Mary Stanton

Tenements Applotments
1832 Tithe Applotment Book William G Masterson
Edward Stanton Drumbrastle
Edward Stanton Lisduff
James Stanton Kiltarnet
James Stanton Cahergal
John Stanton Lisduff
John Stanton Cahergal
John Stanton Carramore
Pat Stanton Drumbrastle
Pat Stanton Rosgibbleen
Pat Stanton Roskeen
Thomas Stanton Lisduff
Thomas Stanton Acres
Thomas Stanton Drumbrastle
Thomas Stanton sr Drumbrastle

A collection of Newport/Westport , County Mayo marriages 1821-1911 William G Masterson
father mother witness
Stanton Edward Newport James Stanton Mary Barret Michael Cain Newport
Anne McGuiness Burrishoole William McGuiness Mary Sweeny Bridget Divir Derrada
Jul 29th 1876

father mother witness
Stanton Patrick Westport Hugh Stanton Kilmeena Edward Stanton Westport
Mary O’Boyle Newport Thomas O’Boyle Mary Anne Gibbons Sabina O’Boyle Newport
Feb 6th 1878

father mother witness
Stanton Philip 21 Blacksmith Michael Stanton landholder Philip Malone
Magaret Walsh 20 Dressmaker James Walsh landholder Mary O’Neil
Apr 28th 1867

Stauntons who took the emigrant ships from Mayo 1904 – 1915

1904: Staunton, Ann (Campania); Staunton, Annie (Campania); Staunton, Ellen (Oceanic); Staunton, Patrick (Majestic)
1906: Staunton, Ann (Cedric); Staunton, Anne (Campania); Staunton, Denis (Cedric); Staunton, John (Lucania); Staunton, Joseph (Teutonic); Staunton, Richard (Etruria); Staunton, Thomas (Ivernia

1907: Staunton, James (Friedland); Staunton, Margaret (Cedric]

1908: Staunton, M (Lusitania); Staunton, Margaret (Teutonic); Staunton, Mary (Friedland); Staunton, Mary (Cedric]

1911: Staunton, Annie (Oceanic); Staunton, John (Caronia]

1912: Staunton, Michael (Haverford]

Some Selective Islandeady Marriages: 1841 …
No Editing by Walt Kahnle – received by e-mail [as is] on 11-21-2001

Anthony BURKE to Margaret LUDDEN 23 Feb 1841
Martin Bourke to Margaret O’Boyle 29 March 1842 Witnesses: Pat and Mary O’Boyle
Pat BURKE to Honor MULLONE sp? 07 March 1842
Michael BURKE to Margaret FAHEY23 January 1843 Witnesses: Thomas HORAN and ??? FAHEY
Thomas BURKE to Mary CUSACK 25 Jan 1892 Witnesses: John Gibbons and Catherine CAIN
Edmond Cain to Mary GAVIN 16 Jan 1844 witnesses unreadable
Michael CUSACK and Ellen JENNINGS 13 Jan 1855 Witnesses: Thaedy GAVIN and Margaret GAVIN
John DUFFY to Mary BURNS 21 FEB 1841 Witnesses: Pat and Eleanor DUFFY
Thomas DUFFY and Catherine BYRNE 25 OCT 1858 Witnesses: Patt SHERIDAN and Mary MURRAY
Austin GAVIN to Mary O’NEIL 25 March 1865 Witnesses: Martin and Mary O’NEIL
James GAVIN to Mary GIBBONS 16 DEC 1839 Witnesses: Mary GIBBONS and ??
James GAVIN to Honor FLANNERY 23 Feb 1841
Martin GAVIN to Margaret Bourke 04 Dec 1857 Witnesses James GAVIN and Honor GINNELLY
James GAVIN to Mary GIBBONS 16 DEC 1839
Mick GAVIN to Ann GARVEY 12 Aug 1845 Witnesses: Pat McDowell and ???
Pat GAVIN to Judith GARVEY 27 July 1842 Witnesses: John GAVIN and Catherine Cummings ) This was very unclear copy )
Patrick GAVIN to Bridget GERAGHTY 25 Jan 1864
Thomas GAVIN to Cicely CONLEY 31 Jan 1856 Witnesses: Barbara??? And James BRYCE
Martin GERAGHTY to Ann CUSACK 24 Feb 1844 Witnesses: Thomas Cusack and Ann Dugan (or Dynan)
John GERAPHY to Mary GAVIN 08 Feb 1859 Witnesses: James Berry and Mary Mannion
Bryan GINNLEY to Margaret McGOWAN 29 APRIL 1841
James JENNINGS and Mary GAVIN 13 Feb 1843 Witnesses unreadable
John JENNINGS to Bridget BURKE
Patrick JENNINGS to Bridget GAVIN 22 Feb 1855 Witnesses: James Jennings and Mary ???
Martin JENNINGS to J” LALLY 25 April 1858 Witnesses: Thomas O’Boyle and Bridget Mc????
Martin JENNINGS to Bridget GAVIN 25 Feb 1864 Note “Did not pay his fee”!!!
Thomas LALLY to Bridget CUSACK 23 Feb 1857 Witnesses: John O’BOYLE and Mary SALMON
Anthony MALLY to Margaret JENNINGS 07 FEB 1841 Witnesses:?? and Mary DUFFY
John McNAMARA to Mary GAVIN 18 June 1882 Witnesses: Thomas McNAMARA and Margaret JENNINGS
Patt MORAN to Margaret JENNINGS 26 Jan 1887 Witnesses: Thomas BRENNAN and Margaret MURRAY
?? MYLETT to Mary CUSACK 12 JAN 1841
Matin O’NIEL to Catherine MORGAN sp?? 17 Sept 1839
Martin WALSH to Honor BURKE 23 July 1856 Witnesses: Ann McTIGUE and Pat JENNINGS
Peter WALSH and Catherine CONNOR 14 Feb 1855 Witnesses: Thomas CONNOR and Mary PHILBIN

Pedigree of Peter [abt 1815] & Henry STAUNTON [abt 1836 –1926] of Islandeady parish, Mayo:

Children: Henry (~1836-1926)
1″1 Henry STAUNTON
Birth: abt 1836, Ireland
Death: 1 Feb 1926, Ireland Castlebar Mayo
Occ: Farmer
Died aged 90″ Have a copy of his death certificate
Have a copy of his Marriage certificate
Crimlin Parish Church Castlebar, Mayo
12th February 1868 Henry Staunton of full age bachelor and a farmer of Derrycreve father Peter Stanton a farmer to Anne Moran of full age a spinster of Ross West father John a farmer
House and Building Return
County MAYO Parliamentary Division WEST MAYO Poor Law Union WESTPORT
District Electoral Division ISLANEADY Townland DERRYCRIEVE
Built Private Dwelling 5 Out offices and Farm Building Inhabited Wall of Brick or Stone Roof Thatch Wood or other Perishable 2,3 or 4 rooms 3 windows class of house 2nd No of families 1 Name of Head Henry Staunton No of rooms occupied 3 number of persons in family 4 Date form collected in 30th April 1901 number of people sick in house on 31st March 1901 Name of landholder Henry Staunton

On Monday February 1st, there passed peacefully away to his eternal reward in the bosum of his creator one of the most prominent and charming figures in his native district of Islaneady, the late Mr Harry Staunton, at the advanced aged of 91 years
He was a real type of Irish manhood. His loveable, sincere and generous disposition won for him the hearts of all with whom he came in contact. As were the people of his time, he was strictly upright in all his dealing, as well as kind and sympathetic to the needy and distressed.
Physically he was endowed with a constitution which was adamant. During life he never complained of the least illness: he did not know what drugs or medicine meant, and gave their merits no attention. It was a perfect treat to spend an evening with him, and listen to his account of what landlordism was like in his early years. He would also draw harrowing pictures of black 47.
Till the last he was able to go about as nimble as a man of 60. He had a special delight in going about viewing the fields on his farm. He found great pleasure also in visiting his neighbours. His death was accelerated by a chill which he contracted while returning home from a visit to a neighbour. He enjoyed Gaelic song and story and in these felt as much at home with the young as with the aged. All who knew him cherished his society – nothing was heard on the day of his funeral but sincere regret that such an enjoyable figure: even at his advanced age, had passed from amongst the people. His wife the late Mrs Annie Staunton pre-deceased him by seven years. He was an ardent Catholic and attended to his religious duties to the last. His parish priest Rev Paul Mcloughlin was a frequent visitor to his home and administered the Last Sacraments on the day preceding his desmise.
At 4pm on Tuesday 2nd inst his remains were carried from his native home in Derrycreeve where he saw the light, and laid on a catafalque before the high alter in Islaneady Parish Church. The remains were escorted to the church by a great concourse of sympathisers.
After Requiem Mass on Wednesday 3rd inst, the funeral left for the old family burial ground of Islaneady and was one of the largest witnessed for years in the district. The parishes of Castlebar, Kilmeena, Newport, Ballyheane, Park, Kilawalla were, with Islaneady, represented in the long funeral cortege.
The chief mourners were: Messrs PE Staunton, Bohess, Islaneady: Henry Staunton Derrycreeve, do and M A Staunton, Shriveport, Louis, USA sons; Mrs Bridget Staunton Park Turlough daughter; Mrs P E Staunton, Mrs Henry Staunton, Mrs M A Staunton daughters in law; Messrs Emmet, George, Henry, Pat Staunton, Bohess; John, James, Willie, Tom, Henry, Peter and Patrick Staunton, Park grandsons; Misses Mary, Kate, Annie and Teresa Staunton, Bohess; Annie and Mary Staunton Derrycreeve; Annie, Norah, and Mary Staunton, Park grand daughters; Misses Ginnelly and Moran, Derrintlowry nieces; Mr john Moran, Sion Hill, Castlebar brother in law; Mrs John Moran Sion Hill, and Mrs Michael Moran Mountgorden sister in law; Messrs Thomas, Michael, William, and Pat Staunton, Kilawall, and Mr John Moran auctioneer, Crossmolina cousins

Henry Stanton Head RC Cannot Read or Write 63 M Farmer Mar Mayo Eire Irish & English
Anne Stanton Wife RC do 63 F — Mar Mayo Eire do
Henry Stanton Son RC Read & Write 20 M do Unm Mayo Eire do
Bridget Stanton Daur RC do 23 F — Unm Mayo Eire do
Spouse: Anne MORAN
Birth: 24 Nov 1838, Ireland
Death: 6 Jan 1920, Ireland Castlebar Mayo
Father: John MORAN
Mother: Eileen MORAN
Marr: 12 Feb 1868, Ireland Crimlin Mayo
Children: Henry (1880-1968)
Peter (1871-)
Bridget (1877-)
Michael A
Patrick (-1934)
Mrs Ward

1″1″1 Henry STAUNTON

Birth: 17 Mar 1880, Ireland Castlebar Mayo

This may be of general interest…

List of people with the name Stanton Newport/Westport Areas

Griffiths valuation of the parish of Burrishoole (1855) “
James Stanton Rosmore
John Stanton Carrowmore
John Stanton Main St
Mary Stanton Letterlough
Michael Stanton Roskeen North
Patrick Stanton Rosbarnagh
Patrick Stanton Roskeen North
Thomas Stanton Lisduff

from:Newport Area families 1864-1880 William G Masterson
Stanton Edward McGuiness Anne boatman Derrada
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Mary Aug 6th 1877 Edward Stanton

Stanton James Devir Barbara landholder Letterlough
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Mary Dec 8th 1871 James Stanton
Stanton Honor Apr 1st 1873 James Stanton
Stanton Robert Sep 11th 1875 James Stanton

Stanton James Devir Margaret landholder Letterlough
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton James Oct 12th 1877 Margaret Stanton
Stanton Richard Sep 4th 1879 Margaret Stanton

Stanton John McLoughlin Anne landholder Roskeen
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Peter Apr 5th 1866 John Stanton
Stanton Anne Apr 16th 1869 John Stanton

Stanton John Sweeny Margaret landholder Roskeen
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Mary Mar 27th 1864 John Stanton

Stanton Richard Mally Catherine landholder Roskeen
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Anne Dec 8th 1865 Richard Stanton
Stanton Mary Sep 20th 1868 Catherine Stanton
Stanton Bridget Apr 27th 1872 Richard Stanton
Stanton Peter Jul 13th 1874 Catherine Stanton
Stanton Catherine Jun 20th 1878 Mary Stanton
Stanton Honor Jan 2nd 1880 Mary Stanton

n/a Stanton Mary n/a Skerdagh
Surname First name DOB Witness
Stanton Bridget Aug 7th 1869 Mary Stanton

Tenements Applotments
1832 Tithe Applotment Book William G Masterson
Edward Stanton Drumbrastle
Edward Stanton Lisduff
James Stanton Kiltarnet
James Stanton Cahergal
John Stanton Lisduff
John Stanton Cahergal
John Stanton Carramore
Pat Stanton Drumbrastle
Pat Stanton Rosgibbleen
Pat Stanton Roskeen
Thomas Stanton Lisduff
Thomas Stanton Acres
Thomas Stanton Drumbrastle
Thomas Stanton sr Drumbrastle

A collection of Newport/Westport , County Mayo marriages 1821-1911 William G Masterson
father mother witness
Stanton Edward Newport James Stanton Mary Barret Michael Cain Newport
Anne McGuiness Burrishoole William McGuiness Mary Sweeny Bridget Divir Derrada
Jul 29th 1876

father mother witness
Stanton Patrick Westport Hugh Stanton Kilmeena Edward Stanton Westport
Mary O’Boyle Newport Thomas O’Boyle Mary Anne Gibbons Sabina O’Boyle Newport
Feb 6th 1878

father mother witness
Stanton Philip 21 Blacksmith Michael Stanton landholder Philip Malone
Magaret Walsh 20 Dressmaker James Walsh landholder Mary O’Neil
Apr 28th 1867

Stauntons who took the emigrant ships from Mayo 1904 – 1915

1904: Staunton, Ann (Campania); Staunton, Annie (Campania); Staunton, Ellen (Oceanic); Staunton, Patrick (Majestic)
1906: Staunton, Ann (Cedric); Staunton, Anne (Campania); Staunton, Denis (Cedric); Staunton, John (Lucania); Staunton, Joseph (Teutonic); Staunton, Richard (Etruria); Staunton, Thomas (Ivernia

1907: Staunton, James (Friedland); Staunton, Margaret (Cedric]

1908: Staunton, M (Lusitania); Staunton, Margaret (Teutonic); Staunton, Mary (Friedland); Staunton, Mary (Cedric]

1911: Staunton, Annie (Oceanic); Staunton, John (Caronia]

1912: Staunton, Michael (Haverford]

Some Selective Islandeady Marriages: 1841 …
No Editing by Walt Kahnle – received by e-mail [as is] on 11-21-2001

Anthony BURKE to Margaret LUDDEN 23 Feb 1841
Martin Bourke to Margaret O’Boyle 29 March 1842 Witnesses: Pat and Mary O’Boyle
Pat BURKE to Honor MULLONE sp? 07 March 1842
Michael BURKE to Margaret FAHEY23 January 1843 Witnesses: Thomas HORAN and ??? FAHEY
Thomas BURKE to Mary CUSACK 25 Jan 1892 Witnesses: John Gibbons and Catherine CAIN
Edmond Cain to Mary GAVIN 16 Jan 1844 witnesses unreadable
Michael CUSACK and Ellen JENNINGS 13 Jan 1855 Witnesses: Thaedy GAVIN and Margaret GAVIN
John DUFFY to Mary BURNS 21 FEB 1841 Witnesses: Pat and Eleanor DUFFY
Thomas DUFFY and Catherine BYRNE 25 OCT 1858 Witnesses: Patt SHERIDAN and Mary MURRAY
Austin GAVIN to Mary O’NEIL 25 March 1865 Witnesses: Martin and Mary O’NEIL
James GAVIN to Mary GIBBONS 16 DEC 1839 Witnesses: Mary GIBBONS and ??
James GAVIN to Honor FLANNERY 23 Feb 1841
Martin GAVIN to Margaret Bourke 04 Dec 1857 Witnesses James GAVIN and Honor GINNELLY
James GAVIN to Mary GIBBONS 16 DEC 1839
Mick GAVIN to Ann GARVEY 12 Aug 1845 Witnesses: Pat McDowell and ???
Pat GAVIN to Judith GARVEY 27 July 1842 Witnesses: John GAVIN and Catherine Cummings ) This was very unclear copy )
Patrick GAVIN to Bridget GERAGHTY 25 Jan 1864
Thomas GAVIN to Cicely CONLEY 31 Jan 1856 Witnesses: Barbara??? And James BRYCE
Martin GERAGHTY to Ann CUSACK 24 Feb 1844 Witnesses: Thomas Cusack and Ann Dugan (or Dynan)
John GERAPHY to Mary GAVIN 08 Feb 1859 Witnesses: James Berry and Mary Mannion
Bryan GINNLEY to Margaret McGOWAN 29 APRIL 1841
James JENNINGS and Mary GAVIN 13 Feb 1843 Witnesses unreadable
John JENNINGS to Bridget BURKE
Patrick JENNINGS to Bridget GAVIN 22 Feb 1855 Witnesses: James Jennings and Mary ???
Martin JENNINGS to J” LALLY 25 April 1858 Witnesses: Thomas O’Boyle and Bridget Mc????
Martin JENNINGS to Bridget GAVIN 25 Feb 1864 Note “Did not pay his fee”!!!
Thomas LALLY to Bridget CUSACK 23 Feb 1857 Witnesses: John O’BOYLE and Mary SALMON
Anthony MALLY to Margaret JENNINGS 07 FEB 1841 Witnesses:?? and Mary DUFFY
John McNAMARA to Mary GAVIN 18 June 1882 Witnesses: Thomas McNAMARA and Margaret JENNINGS
Patt MORAN to Margaret JENNINGS 26 Jan 1887 Witnesses: Thomas BRENNAN and Margaret MURRAY
?? MYLETT to Mary CUSACK 12 JAN 1841
Matin O’NIEL to Catherine MORGAN sp?? 17 Sept 1839
Martin WALSH to Honor BURKE 23 July 1856 Witnesses: Ann McTIGUE and Pat JENNINGS
Peter WALSH and Catherine CONNOR 14 Feb 1855 Witnesses: Thomas CONNOR and Mary PHILBIN

Pedigree of Peter [abt 1815] & Henry STAUNTON [abt 1836 –1926] of Islandeady parish, Mayo:

Children: Henry (~1836-1926)
1″1 Henry STAUNTON
Birth: abt 1836, Ireland
Death: 1 Feb 1926, Ireland Castlebar Mayo
Occ: Farmer
Died aged 90″ Have a copy of his death certificate
Have a copy of his Marriage certificate
Crimlin Parish Church Castlebar, Mayo
12th February 1868 Henry Staunton of full age bachelor and a farmer of Derrycreve father Peter Stanton a farmer to Anne Moran of full age a spinster of Ross West father John a farmer
House and Building Return
County MAYO Parliamentary Division WEST MAYO Poor Law Union WESTPORT
District Electoral Division ISLANEADY Townland DERRYCRIEVE
Built Private Dwelling 5 Out offices and Farm Building Inhabited Wall of Brick or Stone Roof Thatch Wood or other Perishable 2,3 or 4 rooms 3 windows class of house 2nd No of families 1 Name of Head Henry Staunton No of rooms occupied 3 number of persons in family 4 Date form collected in 30th April 1901 number of people sick in house on 31st March 1901 Name of landholder Henry Staunton

On Monday February 1st, there passed peacefully away to his eternal reward in the bosum of his creator one of the most prominent and charming figures in his native district of Islaneady, the late Mr Harry Staunton, at the advanced aged of 91 years
He was a real type of Irish manhood. His loveable, sincere and generous disposition won for him the hearts of all with whom he came in contact. As were the people of his time, he was strictly upright in all his dealing, as well as kind and sympathetic to the needy and distressed.
Physically he was endowed with a constitution which was adamant. During life he never complained of the least illness: he did not know what drugs or medicine meant, and gave their merits no attention. It was a perfect treat to spend an evening with him, and listen to his account of what landlordism was like in his early years. He would also draw harrowing pictures of black 47.
Till the last he was able to go about as nimble as a man of 60. He had a special delight in going about viewing the fields on his farm. He found great pleasure also in visiting his neighbours. His death was accelerated by a chill which he contracted while returning home from a visit to a neighbour. He enjoyed Gaelic song and story and in these felt as much at home with the young as with the aged. All who knew him cherished his society – nothing was heard on the day of his funeral but sincere regret that such an enjoyable figure: even at his advanced age, had passed from amongst the people. His wife the late Mrs Annie Staunton pre-deceased him by seven years. He was an ardent Catholic and attended to his religious duties to the last. His parish priest Rev Paul Mcloughlin was a frequent visitor to his home and administered the Last Sacraments on the day preceding his desmise.
At 4pm on Tuesday 2nd inst his remains were carried from his native home in Derrycreeve where he saw the light, and laid on a catafalque before the high alter in Islaneady Parish Church. The remains were escorted to the church by a great concourse of sympathisers.
After Requiem Mass on Wednesday 3rd inst, the funeral left for the old family burial ground of Islaneady and was one of the largest witnessed for years in the district. The parishes of Castlebar, Kilmeena, Newport, Ballyheane, Park, Kilawalla were, with Islaneady, represented in the long funeral cortege.
The chief mourners were: Messrs PE Staunton, Bohess, Islaneady: Henry Staunton Derrycreeve, do and M A Staunton, Shriveport, Louis, USA sons; Mrs Bridget Staunton Park Turlough daughter; Mrs P E Staunton, Mrs Henry Staunton, Mrs M A Staunton daughters in law; Messrs Emmet, George, Henry, Pat Staunton, Bohess; John, James, Willie, Tom, Henry, Peter and Patrick Staunton, Park grandsons; Misses Mary, Kate, Annie and Teresa Staunton, Bohess; Annie and Mary Staunton Derrycreeve; Annie, Norah, and Mary Staunton, Park grand daughters; Misses Ginnelly and Moran, Derrintlowry nieces; Mr john Moran, Sion Hill, Castlebar brother in law; Mrs John Moran Sion Hill, and Mrs Michael Moran Mountgorden sister in law; Messrs Thomas, Michael, William, and Pat Staunton, Kilawall, and Mr John Moran auctioneer, Crossmolina cousins

Henry Stanton Head RC Cannot Read or Write 63 M Farmer Mar Mayo Eire Irish & English
Anne Stanton Wife RC do 63 F — Mar Mayo Eire do
Henry Stanton Son RC Read & Write 20 M do Unm Mayo Eire do
Bridget Stanton Daur RC do 23 F — Unm Mayo Eire do
Spouse: Anne MORAN
Birth: 24 Nov 1838, Ireland
Death: 6 Jan 1920, Ireland Castlebar Mayo
Father: John MORAN
Mother: Eileen MORAN
Marr: 12 Feb 1868, Ireland Crimlin Mayo
Children: Henry (1880-1968)
Peter (1871-)
Bridget (1877-)
Michael A
Patrick (-1934)
Mrs Ward

1″1″1 Henry STAUNTON

Birth: 17 Mar 1880, Ireland Castlebar Mayo

8 Responses to “STANTONS and Stauntons of Islandeady, County Mayo”

  1. Clare Conway says:

    My Family of Staunton came from Carrowaholly . My Staunton married Scahill also. I didnt know we came from Islandeady. Wish I could know more of this family. My grandmother was Mary Staunton and her brother Peter is burried in Auagower cemetery. Love to find a connection to other Stuantons. I have a very large family tree I will share. 7/8/2018
    Clare Conway
    Spring Hill, Fla.

  2. Helen says:

    Thank you for leaving this very interesting comment. We visited the cemetery and found it most satisfying to see so many with the surnames that we had been researching for so many years. Would love to hear more about your branch

  3. Dan Stanton says:

    My father Harold Stanton’s family moved to Chicago from Derrycoosh, Islandeady, Co Mayo. His father Owen Staunton of the same village. Married to Teresa Garrity of Kilmeena, Co Mayo. Peter Staunton and Catherine Devaney Staunton were my great grand parents.

    Islandeady is not a very large place. The obituary of Harry Staunton sounds so similar to the on of my late father

    He have very large extended Stanton family in Chicago area.
    Many Stauntons, Garritys, Geraghtys, Mulchrones, Conways, MacEvillys, McGing cousins in Westport/ Castlebar/ Newport area in Co Mayo.

  4. Helen says:

    How lovely to hear from you. I am sure that there must be some connection with your family and my husband’s. Westport is also a small area and I have still to do so much research on these lines. It is a difficult task as the branches of the family all enjoyed the same Christian names. So say James had six sons they would be EDWARD, JAMES, MICHAEL, PATRICK and so on and so forth. Then James’s brother Michael had six sons, and they also had the same names, and their dates of births would be all around the same decades. However that what makes all this so interesting. If you want to send me some photos and stories I can do a page for your line and see how things go from there. Thanks again Helen

  5. Phalyn says:

    Augustinian friars (OESA, Hermits of St Augustine) Transferred from the Carmelites, 1413 Founded by Edmund and Richard de Staunton Also known as   St Mary’s

  6. Nancy Stanton Houston says:

    I am headed to Ireland next month and visiting the areas where my grandparents are from. My Grandfather, Robert Emmett Staunton (1902-1976) (changed to Stanton in America) was raised in Mayo near or in Castlebar. His brothers were Patrck, Henry and George. Patrick also came to Philadelphia and was a Catholic brother. I know Henry stayed in the area and ran a turkey farm outside of Castlebar and had several children.
    I do believe my great grandfather was Henry Staunton

  7. Belinda C Stanton says:

    Im the Granddaughter Of Patrick J,Staunton, which was changed too Stanton upon arriving at ellis Island in 1897 or around that time, just searching for the details of my grandparents arrival from Ireland, as far as I know they are from sligo, and my grandfather was a stone mason….

  8. Shannon staunton says:

    Hi all,

    I’d be interested if anyone has info on Staunton’s sent to Australia early 1800’s
    Looking for possible parents of Convicted Patrick Staunton (Born 1774 in County Galway, Ribbonmen called Hearts of Steel, daughter Mary died 1813)

    Any info would be brilliant

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