The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

FAMILY MEMBERS near and far

Posted By on December 10, 2009

The whole purpose of this website is to honour our ancestors and to allow ‘lost’ members of many branches of the family to re-unite.   As the pages build up and the world gets smaller thanks to the worldwide web, I can see just how passionate many people are about their families.

Please leave your comments and I will get back to you as soon as possible.   Thanks on behalf of the Quilietti family with all her branches.   Helen


14 Responses to “FAMILY MEMBERS near and far”

  1. anna valente says:

    Hi there, i have this phot of carmine demarco, he is in my grandas, phot with his brothers, gerado , gerry and this must be carmine if im right, this is exciting, grandaughter of gerado demarco. anna valente.

  2. Helen says:

    Hello Anna and thank you so very much for your comments. We are piece by piece discovering so many branches of the family and it is really great to hear from you today. I can if you wish start a page with you and your branch. Hoping to hear from you soon.

  3. Lynda anderson / Giulianotti says:

    My Name is Lynda Anderson, my maiden name was Giulianotti, my father was Alessandro Giovanni Giulianotti (Johnny) my mother was Annie Pratt (Nan) , I have two siblings ,Charles ,and Stella, another died in infancy ( little Johnny).
    My grandparents were Nicodemo Giulianotti, and my grandmother was Matilda We think her maiden name was Ferrari. They came to Aberdeen in the early 1900 , my father was born in Aberdeen however returned to Valdena as Matilda was unhappy . They owned the village pub ,which I believe is still there.My father had a sister Lynda who married a Fuggachi, I have three cousins , Armando,Rena ,and John,all live in the London area, I believe. I have one child who lives in Australia , we are trying to piece together some
    information on my grandparents , it is difficult as both parents are now deceased, my father in 1980 , my mother in 2000. I never met my grandfather ,met my grandmother only once, I know the family lived in Valdena most of their lives and are buried there , we have few photos of them and none of my grandfather . It would be so good to have some information if anyone can help would appreciate thank you ,regards Lynda Andeson

  4. Fern Patterson says:

    Love this site, looking for any info going back to maybe 1750. Have done Ancestry and have tracked great grandparents from Barga. The Bernardi and Ferranti family. I think I need another trip there to research further.

  5. Helen says:

    Hello Fern. Have sent e.mail

  6. Jan says:

    A sighted yer site when A cited something else in Google, an’ cam up wi’ ‘Gardy Loo’. Whit a rare delight! A braw piece o’ research y’iv done there, Helen.
    A min’ o’ the Manatinis in the early ‘50’s. They lived opposite ma granny’s house at the toun’s end o’ Balhousie Street, Perth. Are they related?
    A min’ too there were Guillanottis an’ Del Pippo’s in Perth, an’ A heard ma auntie speak o’ Masawattis tae, but mebe she confused the names a bit. She wis like that.
    A wunner whit became o’ them a’?
    A caught Giulianotti’s canary in our washing house ance efter it flew awa, an they gave me an’ ma wee brither a slider in their café – or am A wrang? No, A’m right enough, ma auntie had a meringue.
    (Ah wis aye telt the Italians (ma uncle sometimes ca’d them Eye-Ties) cam tae Scotland tae help fecht the war, a wee bit like the Polish souters thonder, but A see noo, sieventy years later, it wisna true, they were there a’ the time.)
    A enjoyed yer site, Helen, yer daen a wunnerfu’ job. Guid luck wi’t.

  7. jan says:

    I left a comment yesterday, but it’s disappeared. Before doing it again I’d like to know where it went.

  8. Helen says:

    I Have to approve your comments Jan. Thanks for your comment, its very entertaining.

  9. Tam Galbraith says:

    Hi Helen

    Not sure if this websites still running but figured I’d give it a shot.

    From what I can piece together, my great grandfather was Sabitino Donati, husband of Mary Johnston, and father to Eida Togneri Donati, my grandmother. I wondered if you maybe have some more information on how the families are connected.

    Glad I’ve found this site, been on it 15 minutes and already found out so much more.

    Thanking you in advance


  10. Angela says:

    Hi. My great granny was Mary Brady – your great granny’s sister! I’ve done identical research to yourself and reached the same conclusions. I know you’ve been in touch with my niece, Dawn, who sent you some family photos. I’ve spotted a wee error in your family tree and will be happy to fill in some of the gaps if you’d like to get in touch. And I remember Brattisani chip shops very well as I grew up in Edinburgh. Cheers. Your distant cousin, Angela

  11. Hi, my 6th great grandad John Pochaine/Puchini died in Lucca in 1830. He was a well known plaster figure maker and barometer maker in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. Does anyone know where he was born please?
    Also my 5th great grandfather Francis Chickey/Francesco Cecchi was born in Lucca in 1792 and died in Boston, Massachussetts USA in 1860. He was a figure maker and barometer maker in Leeds Yorkshire and Aberdeen Scotlandand then moved to America and became well known. He owned the company Francis Chickey Company that Pietro Caproni from Barga eventually bought from him. Francesco Cecchi/Chickey married Anna Puchini (John Puchini’s daughter) He had previously been married to an English women whilst living in Leeds but his wife was killed by his brother in Lucca around 1817/9 in a dispute over land. Again anyone know where in Lucca he was born please? I came to Barga in April 2024 as I thought that is where they were from possibly due to the Caproni and Aberdeen connection. Thankyou.

  12. Amendment to previous message:
    Francesco Cecchi/Francis Chickey. His wife was killed by his brother during a a visit back to Lucca in 1818. The brother and Francesco’s wife became involved in a fight and the wife was killed by the brother’s stilletto dagger. I am trying to find out where in Lucca they are from and also where this unfortunate incident occurred.

  13. Louisa Taylor says:

    I’m sorry I realise that I should have posted my comments under the Figurine Makers page!

  14. Helen says:

    what an exciting comment to have received. Hope someone out there can help you LOUISA

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