Our connection with the Fusco and Demarco clan is through Maria Brattisani, sister of Valentina Brattisani Quilietti
Maria married John Fusco and they had a large family detailed in the Brattisani Fusco page
Maria BRATTESANI and John FUSCO had many children all born in Edinburgh. One of their daughters Elizabeth Valentina married into the Demarco family. This is the connection.

The family Demarco had emigrated from the Pinisco area of Italy which is a hamlet North of Rome. The family we can trace back there to about 1790 with Francesco Demarco and his wife Anna. They of course would have many children but one we know for sure found his way to Scotland. His name was Carmine Demarco and he was born in the year 1822 in Picinisco.
His exact year of arrival in Scotland has still to be confirmed but it was certainly around about the time of the unification of Italy. He married a girl from the same village called Marricia D’Ambrosia. They in turn had children, five of who we have traced so far and as far as we can tell were all born in Italy.
On their arrival in Scotland some of the Demarco clan settled in Glasgow and others in Edinburgh. Two of their sons Gregorio and Gerardo were the West coast settlers whilst Antonio and Michael settled in the Promenade in Portobello, Edinburgh.

The famous Demarco Mansions were run by this branch of the family and was a famous attraction at the beginning of the 20th century.
Greetings from sunny Florida,
My name is Robert Gregory Fusco, son of Gregory Joseph Fusco (lost on USS Thresher 1963), son of Libborrio Anthony Fusco (Fusco’s Italian Restaurant) of Endicott, New york. Son of Gregorio Fusco from Scanno Italy. I would enjoy making contact with the Fusco family from other parts of America or Italy. My family doesn’t have any knowledge of the were abouts of my Great Grandfathers 1st cousin Alfonso Fusco, if you or any other family know, please contact me. All of my family, past & present are important to myself & my immediate family. I can be contacted at the below e-mails. Ciao for now & salute’ ROBERT.FUSCO@EGLIN.AF.MIL or RGFRLF2@AOL.COM
I am a Fusco from Portobello but not replated to John (Fusco) Chavine.
Luigo Fusco, Raphael Fusco and Antonio Fusco come over together from Villa Latina, At the bottom of the Hill from Picinisco. I have out family History.
I am not sure if you are aware that John (Fusco) Chavine is not a Natural born Fusco.
He was Born to Elizabeth McGuinnes and Jacob Chavine. I believe it was either Belfast or Dublin. Elizabeth & Luigi met after Jacob died leaving Elizabeth with a Young son. I have never found any info showing that Luigi and Melizabeth ever married.
I did have the info in my ciomputer about John’s birth and the story about Jacob, but my computer crashed and I was only able to recover so much of the Genealogy going back into Villa Latina / Picinisco. This information was confirmed by a Fusco Descendant in Ireland but she was NOT related to my line of Fuscos, although Luigi (Lewis) is. When Luigi died (John was married Mary Bratisanni our family conmnection technically died also, as he was not a born Fusco. I wish he was it would mean that we are related from way back. I have info on Luiigi from Villa Latina, but I guess you would not be interested init. I believe John was born in Belfast but that Elizabeth was from Dublin, and after she died Luigi send he body back to Ireland, her family were not happy that she Married / Live with an Italian. If you have sny more info I would be glad to hear it, but I hate to be the bearer of bad new, but I am sure if you check further in the Irish records you will find Jacob & Elizabeth with John Chavine.
Hi there Ann, thank you for replying. I am interested in all family history and would be very much delighted to read your Fusco family history. I do of course know that some branches of the Fusco family came over from Picinisco and you are so lucky to have the history of your own branch. I would very much like to add to our family website if you would consider this. I only live up the road in Abbeyhill so perhaps we could, after the new year time, meet up.
The Brattisani sisters are my connection with your family as you know. But we also have Fuscos related through another line, the Arpino line.
This website has been great for me, because long lost distant members of the family can now re-unite. Even if the blood is not as thick as we would like it to be, well so what, it is a brilliant hobby and I just love to hear all the stories that have been passed down.
We lost all our history when my great grandparents died very young and their children were fostered out to their Brattisani and Fusco aunts and uncles.
So I am now trying to pull together what information I can.
If you could help me piece together anything at all about the Fuscos I would be so very much appreciative.
Thank you for taking the time to write. I am going to try and find out what I have on
My family is also from the Fusco line. My great grandmother with the last name Acampora married a Fusco man, and they migrated to New Jersey with their many children. I can’t tell the whole story without talking to my mother again because I always get it mixed up sorry. But I’ll check with her later this week and get a good look at her files so that I can provide a better background. We have been searching for a very long time for our Fusco Blood line, but I did not know where to look before, I am glad this site is available, thank you!
The Fusco family like many Italians were large and after 1861 thousands of Italians left the new unified Country. Many branches came to UK and we find them in London, Manchester and Bradford in England. Some of their descendents made their way up to Scotland.
Two different branches of the Fuscos married into two different branches of our family. The roots of our branches were from Picinisco in ITALY. look forward to hearing from you
Hi Fuscos.
My name is Paulo Cruz Fusco.
I live in Portugal at the moment but I am soon to leave for England to live. My branch of must of moved from Italy to Portugal because thats where my father is from. If anyone knows anything about this branch of fuscos it would be cool if you could educate me, Im curious. I think we are the only Fusco family in Portugal.
Hello and thanks for the comments which I have today posted on the Fusco pages. I hope that someone can help you here as I only know of the branches which came to Scotland directly via England circa 1860. Good luck anyway
Good evening. This summer when I was in Portland, Maine I saw the name Fusco on the name tag of a woman in the military. There is a Coast Guard station in South Portland, so perhaps she was in the Coast Guard. I asked her if she was related to the Endicott Fuscos as I grew up in Endwell and we would often be treated to the most incredible Italian food from your grandparents place. She said she would ask her husband, as Fusco was her married name. I told her the story of your dad & how saddened the entire area was when the Thresher was lost. I was twelve at the time, but never forgot the terrible feeling of loss that I felt along with the community. I don’t know if the woman or her husband ever contacted you, but thought you might be interested in hearing of another Fusco somewhere on the East coast. She was visibly pregnant at the time, so she may be on a maternity leave now, if you try to reach her through the Coast Guard. Best of luck contacting your family members. Know that so many people still remember and pray for your family. Terry B.
It’s been sometime since I’ve visited this site. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your post. My Grand parents (Lib & Lena) Fusco ran/managed an incredible Restaurant, I’ll never forget as a young boy how delicious the food was. Thanks for your kind words & remembering my fathers sacrifice.
Robert Gregory Fusco
Robert, It’s Aunt Vivian your Mom’s sister I was so happy to talk with you today I found your fathers family history very interesting. I really filled up when I saw his picture you look so much like him. I’m so glad that we keep in touch.I know you are busy getting ready for your daughters Wedding. I’m not sure I will get back on this web site. We could still sending each other emails and use the phone. Love, God Bless you and yours , Aunt Vivian
My husband’s grandmother was a Fusco – born to Marion C. Fusco and his father was Augusto Fusco who came to the USA in 1867 from Naples. We are in the beginning stages of our research and will update further once we get more details.
THANKS for leaving your comment Belinda. I can approve comments and therefore other interested parties can see. Perhaps you might get a link that way
hi Hellen
Great website! I’m writing because i’m this thread you have a message from Ann Jordan where she explains the story relating to John Chavrine Fusco. Luigi Fusco married John’s mother Elizabeth Magennis who was my great great grandmother (making John Chavrine Fusco my great uncle). I’d really like to make contact with Ann as I think we each have pieces of the story that would interest the other . See you still in contact with her? If so would you be kind enough to pass this message and my email address on to her?
many thanks
PS John Chavrine has a younger brother Joseph but nobody seems to know what happened to him. Like John, He was ‘adopted’ by Luigi and lived in Portobello. but that’s all I know. Perhaps someone on your site knows more?
It has been a while since I have heard from Ann but I will send her an email anyway. Great to hear from you. Would also be interested in your stories of course