1. QUILIETTI Leonardo 1838-1904
QUILIETTI Leonardo 1838-1904
Leonardo Quilietti was born on 27 November 1838 in Vorno, Lucca, Italy. He died 30 January 1904 in the village of Castelvecchio Pascoli, BARGA, Lucca, He is the forefather of the Quilietti family.

Such a sad beginning for Leonardo –
Leonardo was born on a cold November afternoon in a little village lying just outside Lucca. News from Italy, in 2017 has given us more insight into why he was raised by the Catholic Church.
Leonardo’s mother was called Maria Maddelena Franchi. She was the daughter of Francesco Franchi [and he was the son of Bartolomeo Franchi] all residents of the village of Vorno, Lucca, Italy. Their church was the Church of San Pietro the Apostle of Vorno, the Comune of Capponori, Lucca.

Maddalena stayed in the village and on 26th October 1820 she married Firmo Praccia. Praccia was a name common to this area and as is stated below the cemetery is full to bursting with people who are of this particular Clan.
Their children came along almost yearly. I always knew of two daughters but now thanks to the Church sending information we know that Leonardo also had two brothers.
- ANNUNZIATA was the eldest born on 23rd March 1821 and baptised the following day

Finally the death of Maria Maddalena on her birthing bed

The village of Vorno and the district was home to many families with the surnames Olivieri and Praccia. However the new surnames of Franchi and Barbonchielli I will now have to research.
- Reply dated 8th November 1998 from Florence. We would like to inform you that, despite the search carried out on the indexes of this institute’s inventories and of Volumes 1 – VII of other Inventories we have only found this one entry
- The name Leonardo Quilietti was only found in the Lucca General District Hospital [Arrighi Section] A 130, Paper No. 104 Act. No. 409. This contains the Registration of baby Leonardo’s arrival at Lucca’s Orphanage in 1838. The baby was later given the surname Quilietti. The Act reads as follows
- ‘Leonardo Quilietti’ 1838 on the 27th of the month of November at 9.00 in the morning. Brought in by Iacopo Olivieri of Vorno from the Village of Vorno. He was baptised on the 26th of the month of November 1838 in Vorno’s Church as witnessed by Reverend Giocondo Pardini [Chaplain] Act. No. 181. Registered at the Hospital Bureau in the Public Book of the year 1837. Paper No. 181 Giovanni D. Sodini, local Priest.

So the mystery deepens. Who was Iacopo Olivieri.
Another family prevalent in the town of Vorno as is proof in their cemetery which is overflowing with residents.
Perhaps Iacopo was Maria Maddalena’s partner, someone who looked after her and her children after the death of Firmo.
Unfortunately we shall never know. I did find Iacopo Olivieri and know that he was a farmer. He had two daughters, Annunziata and Maria Francesca in the census information I found for him.
Bizzarly this is the names of Maria Maddalena’s two daughters. The death of Maria Maddelena on the birthing bed would not have been pleasant for either lover or midwife. Iacopo Olivieri is another route I am still investigating. Perhaps DNA will come through for us.
In the orphanage he would have been brought up as a devout Catholic. Â He would have learned a trade. Â When he reached Eighteen years he would have been free to leave his home and make his own way in life. Â The year would have been 1856. Â We know he travelled a bit further North in the Lucca area to the town of Barga. Â Certainly the marble mines nearby could have been his source of employment.
Whatever route he took Leonardo settled in the Barga region and the marriage between Leonardo and Eletta Brucciani took place in the Church of St. Nicolo’ in Castelvecchio, now Castelvecchio Pascoli.
The date was 1st December 1866. He was 28 years old, late by Italian standards to be married for the first time. Maria Giovanna Eletta Maddalena Brucciani , known as Eletta was six years his junior and was also born on 26th November, but in the year 1844. She was one of a large family of Brucciani who lived in the village of Castelvecchio, outside Barga.
This area surrounding Barga and the Serchio Valley is a mysterious and fascinating corner of Tuscany, close between the Apuan Alps and the Apenine Mountains. It takes its name from the River running through it for its entire length and then with a thousand streams running into it which creates deep gorges and a wonderful visual phenomena. The Capital of this region of beautiful Barga. Our Castelvecchio is where the famed poet Giovanni Pascoli lived out his life and which area inspired much of his work. And the food of the region is one of wild mushrooms and chestnuts.

The children came along like little stepping stones.
- Luigi Adolpho was born on 5th August 1867. He died on 5th May 1867.
- Emilio Fedele Leopoldo came next and was born on 15th August 1868.
Emilio as we know is the forefather of all of the Quilietti family in the whole wide world today
Augusto was born on 20th October 1870 . He married into the Arpino family from the Picinisco area of Italy and also settled in Scotland. He only had two children. Erminia died in childhood and daughter Angelina. Angelina married John Arpino also from the Picinisco area and their ancestors now live mainly in the Pathhead area of central Scotland.
She married Alfredo Benabio in the U.S.A. and there are her ancestors alive in Rhode Island today.
Giuseppe was born on 10th October 1879. He travelled the Atlantic Ocean on many occasions before finally settling in Rhode Island in the year 1911. He married Leonara Raffanti. They had no surviving children and his line dies out. Giuseppe died in 1971 and was the longest surviving of Leonardo’s children.
Our Quilietti family history has unfolded into an interesting account of the Italian people around about the time of the unification of Italy. We have been humbled to learn of these hardworking people who strived to better their families and who left behind a paradise in search of their goals. We have learned a little of their lives and their family connections and descendants.
This is our unique family history and their ancestors who now are now scattered throughout the continents have much to be proud of.
Benedito Chilette
Brazil, São Paulo, Civil Registration, 1925-1995
Marriage Registration 20 January 1937
Jundiaí, Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil
Birth 1914
Marriage 20 January 1937
ParentsGuida Alba, Eliseu Chilette
SpousesMaria Amelia Rampeu