Angela’s lost photos 2

The photographs on this page are sponsored by Angela Giulianotti, grandaughter of Rosa Brattisani and Giulio Giulianotti.
Photographs have always been important to migrants and their families. When people were separated by great distances for long periods of time, it became important to try and keep in touch as best they could. Sending photographs played a great role in their lives. Italians always like to cut a ‘bella figura’ and these Giulianotti photographs which have been unearthed 100 years later are no exception to this rule.
Angela and Helen have became friends via our family website and have a lot in common regarding our respective family histories. According to Angela there are five lines of the Giulianotti families and some of these lines I have started on the BRATTISANI/GIULIANOTTI page
Amongst Angela’s granny’s photographs was a very special find for Helen one photograph of Emilio Quilietti and his brother Augusto. This is so special because it shows Emilio sitting, relaxed and his facial expressions are captured. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Angela for so very kindly taking the time along with her sister Valerie Giulianotti,, to send these very precious and special photographs to us.

The following photographs are of Louisa Maria Brattisani. Maria was born in Edinburgh on 30th September 1887 and was only a child of five when her sisters Valentina and Rosa married in 1892.
Photographed with her is her husband Pietro Costella. They did not marry until 20th December 1916, during the First World War. They also married in St. Mary’s R.C. Church in Edinburgh. Pietro was a fish restauranteur and Louisa was a confectioner by trade. They were both 29 years old when they married. Louisa had played the role of mother to the orphaned Quilietti children after the death of Valentina in 1905.
Pietro’s father, Giovanni Costella was a farmer. His mother’s surname was Cabrelli. They had two sons John and Luigi.
The next photos we believe is that of Minnie Brattisani

Both Rose and Valentina were married the same year in 1892 and both at St. Mary’s R.C. Cathedral, Greenside, Edinburgh.

The following photos


The Stepping Stones have now been identified. With thanks to Francis Fusco and Louisa Costella for taking the time to peruse and identify these family photos. I will now insert these into the Brattisani/Fusco pages as well.


is. Thank you again for

wonderful photos.
Hi the two school boys(one sitting other standing) are John Joseph Costella (Jackie) and his little brother on stool Luigi Mario Pietro Costella (Louie).
Louise Jane Costella Mrs Smith
More suggestions, I think Minnie Brattisani appears in two photos the one with a little girl (possibly eva marie brattasani??) in between two women… Minnie.. i think is on the left and the woman sitting down looks like the little eva’s mum??. Minnie also appears with a little baby again i think this might be her but I don’t think she had children of her own. The picture with the young bride I think the young woman behind is Elizabeth Fusco (richard demarcos mum) it is the same very beautiful woman in the portrait below, and i am sure i have seem this photo somwhere before i remembered it because of how beautiful i thought she was.
Louise J Costell-smith
hope this is of some help.
the pictures of the groups of children are the younger Fusco children. Starting at the
steppings stones down to the one above Jackie and Louie. Most were taken in Francis back garden at Bath Street Portobello. I will e-mail who is who if you want.
the pictures of the groups of children are the younger Fusco children. Starting at the
steppings stones down to the one above Jackie and Louie. Most were taken in Francis back garden at Bath Street Portobello. I will e-mail who is who if you want.
Lady with glasses holding baby is Francis Fuscos grandmother Fusco he is not sure who the baby was.