BRATTESANI Norman [Norrie]1948-2020

To meet up with a long lost cousin is an emotional part of one’s life. So here I am in September 2016 about to embark on a historical event. For I am about to meet my third cousin Norrie and his wife Jean.
Norrie is the son of Peter Brattesani, grandson of Pietro, great grandson of David Brattesani, all from Borgo Val da Tori in Parma, Italy. Norrie’s great grandfather and my great grandfather were brothers.

The history of the Brattesani or Brattisani family here in Scotland is now well documented. The family had settled in Borgo Val da Tora in Parma and from here they sent their sons and daughters not only to Scotland, and England, but also to the New World, America and beyond.
The Brattesani and Brattisani families in Scotland are all related. They come from one Branch and I am currently trying to unravel the branches and find the roots.
Our cousin Enzo has sent on the most wonderful family crest which confirms the roots of the family being from Florence [FIRENZE].
Norrie’s grandfather Pietro Brattesani is documented as living in Greenside, Edinburgh, in the Brattesani residence at 9 Greenside Place, home not only to many of the Brattesani family but also to the orphaned Quilietti family who had lost not only their father Emilio, but also their mother Valentina Brattesani Quilietti in 1905. When Peter Brattesani married in 1915 it was from this address in Greenside.

Sante 1912-1960 – No further information
David 1915-1989 – married Julia McDermid [below]. They had children David, Peter and also a Sante [to be confirmed]
Maria 1918-1940. Maria died age 22 of a rare cancer. She lies in Mount Vernon Catholic Cemetery in Edinburgh

Peter 1919-1985. Peter was Norman’s dad. He married Mary Donaldson Wright [Norman’s mum]. They in turn had Peter [died an infant], Norman and John.
Julia 1920 photographed below with David. Unknown young man. She remained in Borgotora I believe.
Walter Hill. 1921-1971. Walter married Lillias McMillan Paton. They had two daughters Margaret and Lillias
Margaret Louisa 1937. Margaret married twice. First to John McNulty. One son name unknown. Then to James Smith. One child. unknown.
Norman’s parents were Peter Brattesani and Mary Donaldson Wright. Norman’s dad Peter was born at 2 Glenorchy Place, Greenside, Edinburgh on 13th January 1919, just shortly after the end of the First World War. Peter was in the Royal Artilliary during the War. Peter worked as a warehouseman in latter years and died in 1985 age only 66.
They had three children. Peter who was born in 1945 and died as an infant. Norman in 1948. John was born in 1951.
Norrie wrote to me as follows
- Last week we went to Rovinaglia to visit Caterina Brattesani, who is my father’s cousin. Her sister is Matilda Brattesani married to Peter Dora (now deceased). And they were based in Dundee Caterina worked with them in the Fish & Chip shop for 21 years before returning to Italy. You can imagine the combination of Dundee accent and Italian!This is our fourth visit, the first being 18 years ago. But, interestingly this was the most enjoyable and informative time. When we first visited Borgo Val di Taro is was a small, quiet town that didn’t seem to wake up until the middle of the day. However, last time and this time we found a great difference, its much more welcoming, and lively. I suppose the new generations have an influence there.On this visit I took photographs of where my grandfather’s house was originally built, but has been torn down due to safety issues. Caterina’s family home is still there and is just opposite my grandfather’s.

I remember Norrie from the 138 Craiglochart Boy Scouts at Fountain bridge church around 1960. Found this when googling the Brattesani name/chip shop. He was in my patrol – a useful football player.