The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family


David Brattesani was born in 1965 and is descended from the  David Brattesani/Anna Maria Coffrini line as shown below.  David also has a sister Susie.

David’s line

David was born in Edinburgh and attended Currie High.  For a while he worked in a financial company called Threesixty.

News article
Messing about in the River

He left there to return to Scotland and now works in ‘Messing about in the River”.  He is married to Angela Wynne.

Enjoying Country Life

One Response to “BRATTESANI David 1965”

  1. .Peter and David’ s. mother was my fathes sister Julia ! they were brotgher and sister. My father was Alxander (Sandy } . I L loved by clousins David and Peer and would lime to make constact one more time. I am 74 and have won the battle ofb brest cancer…..but onlhy for a time ! my email is MY WEB
    is. http://www.kintralabradors. com

    I do look forrward to a responce, We are family !!!
    My cell is 951 288 7730 I am 73 years young and still active in the Labradors Workd…past president of the Southern California Labrador Retiever Club . Al;so a dMember and judge in Spoeccialtyy Sweeps. Would love to conect with David who must be 77 or 76 by now. Thankl you for your assistance
    Alexandra Mc Dermaid Flanigan

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