The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

ANGELA’S lost photos 4

GIULIANOTTI folks again. These precious photos again forwarded from Angela Giulianotti.

If you recognise yourself, your mum, dad, cousin or uncle, please let a comment below and I will get straight back to you

The next photo was taken in Edinburgh in the famous E.R. Yerbury Studio which was situated at their central Studio at 1 Hanover Street, Edinburgh.   This studio is right on the corner.  Who could these folks be.

Lucia Coffrini and Giuseppe Brattisani restored by David Wilson

She is a Brattisani no doubt.  Now identified by Francis Fusco [age 93 years in 2011] .  Identified as Lucia Coffrini wife of Joe Brattisani who is photographed with her. At first I thought this photograph was an older Valentina and of course this would have been the distinct features of the family as Valentina was her daughter.  I thought the gentleman may have been related to a Quilietti as he resembles some of my cousins through the Quilietti/Brattisani line.  It is of course these descendents who take their features from Joe Brattisani.  Problem solved.  Many thanks to Francis and also to Louise Costella who helped him make the connections.

The next photograph is of a family group taken again at Middleton’s photographers of 181 King Street, Aberdeen.

Giulianotti family Aberdeen

Perhaps they were at a wedding as the boy has flowers and Dad has a flower in his lapel.

The next lady ‘Lina C. Giulianotti’.

Angelina C Giulianotti,

Angelina, who were youSee comment below from Charles Giulianotti, great grandson of Nicodemo Giulianotti.  Angelina was a niece of Giulio. She was an angel with a beautiful nature.   She tragically died young.  Her engagement to a General may perhaps have been part of the cause of her death.  The General married another and left her broken hearted.  

So if anyone with the La Flang bloodline reads this could they let us know what the true story was.

The next couple are most probably linked with the Giulianotti’s from Peterhead.   The Studio this time is A. Taylor, Aberdeen and Peterhead.

The Peterhead branch of the family

This is a wonderful photograph.

The next photo is of another unknown family. The gentleman does look similar to the foursome Aberdeen family above.

Giulianotti threesome

What do you think

unknown family

5 Responses to “ANGELA’S lost photos 4”

  1. louise jane costella (MRS.SMITH) says:


    So excited the gentleman and lady taken at 1 Hanover Street, have been I.D by Francis Fusco “they are my grandparents” …Joe Bratissani & Lucia Coffrini. fantastic.

    Louise Costella

  2. Helen says:

    They are my great great grandparents, let me see if I have got this correct.
    If this lady is Lucia Coffrini and the gentleman Joe Brattisani then that makes them so for me.

    I am also so excited. I will put this in the webpages immediately. In fact I will start a brand new webpage for them. Thank Francis Fusco please for me.

  3. charles giulianotti says:

    perhaps, strong possibility that angelina was a niece of giuliio. a rare beauty who sadly died young and apparently was an angel. she was engaged to a general who married another. this is now alledgedly stuff .if so her relatives still live in aberdeen. remember these people are la flang

  4. dee fyfe says:

    What happened to Mr. Mrs Giullianotti who had an ice cream parlour down King street, near Nelson Street, Aberdeen in the 1950’s. I worked for them whilst still at school. They were wonderful people. I remember Mrs. G. taking in a roast meat full of garlic flavour, mmh wonderful, for our Sunday lunch with salad. Started me off on the garlic thing having never had it before. Still eat loads of it till this day though easier to get now. When I fnished they would give me a couple of tubs of knickerbocker glories to take home. They had a jute box that played all the latest music and a small sit in area. I just loved it Wondered whatever happened to them. They were a really lovely lovely family.

  5. Helen says:

    Thanks for the comments. Lets see who answers

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